An Inauspicious Beginning
Last week George W. Bush was inaugurated as President of the
United States. His 20 minute speech was short enough so that
it was heard very well around the world.
Tu BeShvat
By Rav Zev Leff
Rav Eliezer and Rav Yehoshua argue whether the world was
created in Tishrei or in Nisan (Rosh Hashonoh 10b).
Tosafos explains (Rosh Hashonoh 27a) that both
opinions are in fact valid as the world was created on the
plane of thought in Tishrei and on the plane of action, in
actuality, it was created in Nisan.
Saving the Kollelim
by L. She'ela
Maran HaRav Elchonon Wassermann Hy'd, citing the Vilna
Gaon, said that the passage describing Yaakov Ovinu's return
to Eretz Yisroel following his exile in Padan Aram alludes to
the period of Ikveso deMeshicho.
On Banners and Bugles
by Yochonon Dovid
Someone with sensitive vision can discern when a black
flag flutters over a particular sin, with blinking warning
red lights. This is when the surrounding causes of that sin
augment its severity a thousandfold. The Yetzer Tov warns and
pleads: You are jeopardizing your entire future world in one
moment. Flee for your life!
Politica A Bitter Pill to Swallow
By E. Rauchberger
The clash between Yossi Paritzky and Shinui, the party that
gave him the boot, remains on the Knesset agenda and
continues to make waves in the corridors of the Knesset.
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