Once upon a time there was a litte car named Fiat. It was
meant to seat five adults but like the famous circus car, it
carried many more (before safety belts, car seats and
boosters, of course).
It was like Avrohom Ovinu's tent, with four doors beckoning
to travelers. Once inside, the passengers were asked to read
from a mussar sefer or tell a vort from the
parsha. The Steipler zt'l said that doing
chessed was the best insurance for not being involved
in accidents.
However, the car began breaking down more often and it wasn't
economical to maintain, so it was put up for sale. The owner
told prospective buyers its shortcomings and finally, a taxi
driver who claimed he could do most of the repairs himself,
tried it out and bought it.
After the first Shabbos, he called and demanded his money
back. The car had stalled; it wouldn't start up and he needed
it mainly for his Shabbos clientele R'l.
The car was taken back and was put up for sale once more. The
new buyers were kiruv workers who needed it to
register young boys for yeshivos. They took it — and
were never heard from again . . .
Once more, the car could do mitzvos, chessed and also
keep Shabbos.