Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Av 5765 - August 17, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Director, Emergency Services, Bikur Cholim Hospital

I just lectured to the N'shei in Ramot and I had a wonderful time. I forgot one point that I promised to answer: When is a person considered fat?

There are many ways to answer this question but here are some guidelines. If your BMI (Body Mass Index) is high you need to lose weight. This can be calculated by your physician. (Editor's Note: The formula is: (Weight-in-pounds x 704.5) divided by Height-in-inches squared.) He also has other tools.

Here are some other easier ways of calculating. If you can pinch an inch of skin anywhere on your body, you need to lose some weight. If you have high blood pressure or pre- diabetes, you need to lose weight.

Here is a basic calculation: for a female, give yourself 100 pounds for the first five feet of height and 5 more pounds for every inch over five feet. This will be your ideal weight. If you are a male, you get 106 pounds for the first five feet and then six pounds for every inch over five feet.


Vegetarians must be careful to eat some animal products such as milk or cheese to get enough vitamin B12. You can now get this vitamin in pill form, but if it is lacking, anemia can result. An article I was sent said that vegetarians are less heavy. Perhaps true, but you can be a vegetarian and live on cupcakes (but not for long).

An article said that Vitamin E does not prevent heart attack and stroke. Truth is, we have known about vitamin E for a long time and we have yet to find any benefits to supplementation. Is it dangerous? I am unaware of any dangers in taking too much of it, but anything in excess is not a good idea.

In Ramot, I mentioned an old fashion remedy for mosquitoes that I think would still work. As mosquitoes surround light fixtures, flypaper should be effective, but I have not seen it used. One suggestion I saw said that thiamine causes the skin to exude an odor that mosquitoes dislike, and garlic may as well.

The best prevention is to make sure that there are no sources of still water in the area where mosquitoes breed. Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. Lamictal can take a difficult seizure patient and give him a chance at a normal life. This medication works where others have failed, and is safe. It gives such patients a new lease on life, in my experience.


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