Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

5 Adar II 5765 - March 16, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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An Overnight Outrage

by Amnon Goldberg, Tzfas

"They paved paradise and put up a parking lot!" went a famous American song of the 60s.

It was with dismay that early morning mispallelim in the Old City of Tzfas last week were stunned by the sight of the famous, spiritual yefeh nof of Nachal Amud desecrated by a 100 meter tall green, white and orange mast cell phone antenna that had surreptitiously been erected overnight, right in front of the entrance to the world famous Tzfas Beis Olam!

People are perplexed as to how the mayor of Tzfas, who is a member of the National Religious Party, and the members of the city council could have allowed such a monstrosity. In other such cases in Israel it usually turns out that financial inducements from the cell phone companies have been the incentive!

Asra Kadisha and the environmental group like Adam Teva veDin are endeavoring to have the mast reduced in height and moved to a less prominently-visible location, on the grounds of the law that a municipality is legally obliged to minimize the damage to a view, whereas the antenna's current location does just the opposite and maximizes it in the most blatant manner possible, as if it was actually intentional.

As one of the four holy cities of Eretz Yisroel, the antenna's location exhibits a lack of appreciation of aesthetics and ambience, just to achieve slightly better audio reception for the few users in the immediate area of one cell phone company! It is an affront to the honor of Tzfas, its residents, tourists, and especially the meisim buried there who include the Ari, R' Yosef Karo, R' Shlomoh Alkabetz, R' Moshe Cordovero, R' Moshe Alshich and others. This is the city which will first witness the appearance of the Moshiach and the techiyas hameism. Is that how we want to greet them?


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