Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

10 Teves 5765 - December 22, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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The Seforim of HaRav Moshe Rosenstein zt"l

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

The beloved rosh yeshiva of Ohr Yisroel in Petach Tikva, HaRav Yaakov Neiman zt"l, in a mussar shmuess once made an impassioned plea to the pupils of the great tzaddik, HaRav Moshe Rosenstein the Lomzher Mashgiach, to observe his yahrtzeit on the 13th Nisan, since the Germans annihilated his children and grandchildren and there is no family left.

By a quirk of Hashgochoh, for many years his yahrtzeit has been observed — and is still observed — in Johannesburg, South Africa, in a manner befitting this great tzaddik. R' Zvi Shimon Raichlin, a great nephew of R' Moshe and now an attorney-at-law in Johannesburg, a communal leader and a ben Torah in his own right, initiated a yearly program on the 13th of Nisan learning, together with the members of the community, a selected piece from HaRav Moshe's seforim.

HaRav Moshe's two seforim, Yesodei Hadas and Ahavas Meishorim, have been out of print for many years and bnei Torah of today did not have an opportunity of drawing from the well of this great gaon and tzaddik, whose seforim were described by the Chazon Ish on such a level as to have been authored in the generation of the Vilna Gaon. HaRav Moshe, as a disciple of the Alter of Kelm, expresses in his seforim uncanny insights into the psychology of man and presents such insights in the most logical manner.

The Torah world is now fortunate to be able to bond themselves once again with this great mussar giant of the generation between the two world wars. His great-nephew Mr. Raichlin has implemented a dream of many years to reproduce the seforim in a manner more familiar and user-friendly to our day and age, comprehensively indexed and with pleasant print and fine paper. It is a source of great joy to the Torah world that a major vacuum in the mussar literature has now been filled.

The seforim are now available at all bookstores.


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