Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

10 Teves 5765 - December 22, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












The Shidduch
based on a true story

by Risa Rotman

Racheli came into the apartment, dropped her purse by the door and then dropped herself into the old wicker rocking chair. After a rock or two, she called out to her two roommates shmoozing at the back of the apartment.


Dear Editor,

In the issue of 20 Kislev, Tzvia Ehrlich-Klein gave five very good gift ideas to give to married children. But in so doing, she addressed what is for some families a sore point.

"Trama" in Real Life
and Hashem's Goodness Throughout

a true story by Rifca Goldberg

"Rifca! Hashem's taking better care of you than you could ever dream of and you doubt Him?"

I Have One Nerve Left and You're Getting on It

by A. Reader

What is this business of nerves? If one thinks it through logically, it seems to be a case of neglected middos. Some people are so laid-back and even-tempered that nothing seems to rile them. Others ought to live on a desert island.

Lefties, Unite!
by A. Ross, M.Ed.

" the hand of... in the hand of... in the hand of..."

Keep Smiling
Short inspirational pieces by Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz, Kiryat Sefer, author of A Handful of Light, Hearts on Fire and his latest, Be Happy and Succeed.

Making the Most of It

You don't need much time, or even many roses, to smell the roses. There must be something within arms' reach around you for you to enjoy. If not a material object, than an idea, a concept. Look at it. Focus on it. Make yourself a moment of happiness. Such an attitude then lights up not only the moment, but other moments as well.

The Children of Hashem

Rosh Hashono evening, 2004. The yeshiva is packed. Hundreds of students and other visitors are sitting in their seats, waiting for the sholiach tzibbur to start the tune that will begin the evening prayers for the Days of Awe.

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Some things have come up.

Recently there is a new product out that advertises itself as a replacement for chocolate spread since it combines chocolate and cheese flavor. This type of food can result in a fat kid with no teeth and early heart disease.

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