Rabbi Ravitz Calls on MKs to Fight Shinui Prejudice
By Eliezer Rauchberger
MK Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz sent a letter to all Knesset members
calling on them to fight Shinui's prejudice and to regularly
vote against every bill the party submits.
The letter followed on the heels of Shinui's vote on two
identical banking bills introduced in the Knesset plenum, one
by MK Nokad (Labor) and MK Cohen (Shas). Both bills received
approval in preliminary readings yet while Shinui MKs voted
in favor of Nokad's bill they abstained from the vote on
Cohen's bill simply because the sponsor is chareidi.
In his letter Rabbi Ravitz notes this conduct clearly shows
that, "Shinui representatives do not relate to the substance
of the law, but rather their vote is prejudiced by the
character of the individual submitting the law . . . [As
such] I call on all Members of Knesset to fight against
prejudice in the legislative house and to pursue the one way
that can put the Shinui MKs back on track: when a bill by one
of the members of Shinui comes up, to vote against it."