Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

10 Teves 5765 - December 22, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Seven New Bein Odom Lechavero Kollelim

by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Avreichim participating in the Linas HaTzedek Kollel Network's Chanukah Mesiba were delighted to learn that seven more kollelim have joined the network of Kollelim, which learn Hilchos Bein Odom Lechavero.

On Thursday, the third night of Chanukah, Linas HaTzedek held its annual Mesiba in Jerusalem's Knesses Yehuda Hall. More than simply a Chanukah party, this yearly gathering serves to galvanize the avreichim who participate in Kollelim around the country. Kollel members from cities such as Beitar, Bet Shemesh, and Telz Stone joined local avreichim who study in Linas HaTzedek Kollelim in various Jerusalem neighborhoods.

The guest speaker was the popular speaker, Rabbi Eitan Finer, a leading maggid shiur in Yeshivas Aish HaTorah. Rabbi Finer riveted the crowd with a mesmerizing shiur, linking the essence of Chanukah and bein odom lechavero.

The keynote address was delivered by Rabbi Yitzchok Berkovits, who heads the Kollel Network. Rabbi Berkovits, a world-renowned expert on Bein Odom Lechavero, exposed the false perception of Yovon as champions of human rights. Elaborating on the posuk, "Mishpotov bal yedo'um," he explained that there can be no Bein Odom Lechavero without a Divine source.

Rabbi Berkovits praised the accomplishments of the avreichim, singling out new programs arranged for baalei battim in communities around the world, and efforts to utilize Bein Odom Lechavero in Kiruv work. He exhorted the kollel members to even greater heights.

In a dramatic announcement, Paysach Freedman, Director of Linas HaTzedek, informed the crowd that Linas HaTzedek has just added seven new kollelim. These locations include Netivot, Rechasim, and two in Kiryat Sefer. There are also three new Jerusalem locations, bringing to six the number of Linas HaTzedek branches in the capital.

The new branches bring the number of avreichim in the Kollel Network to nearly 200, Rabbi Freedman reported. These branches, which are supervised by Rabbi Refoel Williger, will cater primarily to the Hebrew-speaking public, he added.


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