Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

12 Adar II 5765 - March 23, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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"Days of Redemption — Experiencing the Redemptions of Purim, Pesach and Shavuos"

Reviewed by N. Elbinger

A Feldheim Publication. $15

Anyone looking for fresh perspective on the upcoming holidays of Purim, Pesach and Shavuos will welcome the release of Rabbi Travis's latest book, Days of Redemption.

As in his previous works, Rabbi Travis imparts new insights into laws and customs while telling a wide range of stories about Chazal and more recent Gedolim, as well as anecdotes from his own life.

Many less-known halachos are detailed, as well as the reasons behind various well-known minhagim. The book answers questions such as: In what language may Megillas Esther be read? What kinds of Purim costumes are permissible? Why do we refrain from elective surgery on erev Yom Tov? Is it preferable to use a candle or a flashlight for bedikas chometz? Are peanuts kitniyos?

This information is not imparted in a dry way. Rabbi Travis always keeps the reader absorbed and provokes them to think. His stories are authentic and fascinating examples which show how halacha and custom have evolved.

He tells the story of the woman whose audience with the Sultan 1,000 years ago led Rashi to make a psak regarding fasting on Taanis Esther. We also hear a story from the Arizal which shows the dangers of mourning on Lag BaOmer.

Rabbi Travis draws our attention to how Hashem's hidden Hand redeemed us in the time of Mordechai and Esther. He displayed open miracles and wonders in our redemption at Pesach, and drew us close to His Glory at Har Sinai on Shavuos.

But Rabbi Travis's main point is that we are constantly surrounded by Hashem's miracles and we must train our eyes to discern them. In his introduction, Rabbi Travis relates many miracles that he personally has experienced, some of which are truly amazing, while others could be considered more "ordinary."

"In focusing on these spectacular displays of Hashem's kindness, there is a danger that `smaller' miracles will go unnoticed," he writes.

Indeed this is the pervading message of the book. The festivals of Purim, Pesach and Shavuos are times to reflect on the spectacular miracles Hashem has done for the Jewish people. But Rabbi Travis uses this as a springboard to encourage us to see the Hashgochoh in our everyday lives.

"Before the arrival of Moshiach, it will be shown clearly to the Jewish people that we can depend on no one other than our Father in Heaven," he quotes from the gemara (Sotah 49b). Though we live in an age of hester ponim, when Hashem hides His face from us, we nevertheless turn to Him and pray for help. He is involved in our daily lives and always has been. Purim, Pesach and Shavuos are the perfect time to focus on this fact.

From the month of Adar, when we experienced physical redemption for annihilation, through Pesach when Hashem Himself publicly smote the firstborn and led us out of Mitzrayim, to Shavuos when He redeemed us spiritually with His holy Torah — we grow towards the realization of what Hashem really wants of us. We must recognize Him, turn to Him, and serve Him wholeheartedly with simcha and tuv lev.

The days preceding the Redemption are the darkest — but even so, says Rabbi Travis, we can glimpse the dawn of the Redemption even now.


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