Thousands of Tzfas residents took part in the levaya
of Rav Shabsai HaKohen Kobin zt"l following the sudden
passing of the prominent avreich in Tzfas.
With a reputation as a talmid chochom yirei Shomayim
who observed every mitzvah exactingly, Rav Kobin was a
familiar figure in the city. He was officially in charge of
the city's eruv and devised halachic solutions for all
of the problems related to the Tzfas eruv, which is
particularly complex. He also built the eruv line
surrounding the city. After uncovering problems with the
general eruv, he participated in the construction of a
special eruv around the Old City, which has a large
chareidi population. He did special research on
lulavim and he discovered that the special Deri
species of lulav is unusually mehudar.
He was known locally as a man of chessed who helped
every Jew, often so discretely that nobody else knew. His
emunoh was renowned and became apparent in every
conversation with him. Originally from America, he became
part of the chareidi landscape in Tzfas. For many years he
studied in kollelim in Tzfas without pay. Despite his
numerous obligations he would study with great
hasmodoh, often during the least convenient hours of
the day and night. He would stay up every Thursday night to
learn, gave Daf Yomi shiurim and even made a point of
learning with children. He did not allow any of these
endeavors to encroach on his set learning time. Ignoring his
own fatigue he would rush from place to place to take care of
matters left unattended.
After marrying off four of his children he was plagued with
debt and other concerns. After his daughter's Sheva
Brochos he was found stretched out on the road on Friday
morning erev Shabbos parshas Vayeiro with a
gemora and tools, on his way to fix the eruv.
Apparently his debts and concerns overcame him and led to a
heart attack.
His numerous acquaintances spoke of the many debts he faced
and the care he took to pay back every loan on time, despite
his lack of funds. Every sum of money he received would go
directly to his creditors. He never asked to delay payment
dates and kept an orderly ledger to ensure that he paid back
every prutoh. The day before his petiroh he
rushed to pay back various debts as if sensing something was
about to happen to him. Nevertheless he left enormous
Rav Shabsai HaKohen Kobin zt"l is survived by his wife
and eight children. A special fund has been set up for the
widow and orphans by Vaad HaRabbonim LeInyonei Tzedokoh
Be'eretz Hakodesh. Donations can be made by direct deposit to
Mercantile Discount Bank, Branch 635, Acct. No. 303143 or by
calling 1-800-22-36-36. Mailing address: Kobin Fund, POB
50585, Jerusalem.