Rabbi Gafni Proposes Law Allowing Installation of Shabbos
Clock in Stairwell Without Neighbors' Consent
By Eliezer Rauchberger
MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni tabled a law that would allow a resident
of a building to install a Shabbos clock or other device to
light common areas or stairwells with or without the
neighbors' consent as long as they are not required to
participate in the cost. The law would probably allow
installing a Shabbos generator to light the common areas, as
Existing property law stipulates that apartment owners in
commonly-held buildings (condominiums) must pay their part in
maintenance expenses for shared property and that any changes
to it require the consent of all residents. The proposed
legislation would change the law by not requiring consent if
the cost of installation is assumed by the resident who
elects to install the device.