Gush Katif settlers announced they object to the disinterment
of their loved ones killed in terrorist attacks and while
defending settlements in Gush Katif and other parts of the
Gaza Strip. They claim that the head of the disengagement,
Yonatan Bassi, plans to have the graves unearthed before the
disengagement plan is executed.
Gush Katif families have petitioned the High Court to issue
an interim order forbidding the removal of the graves. They
claim that last week the Chief Rabbinate and the
Disengagement Authority had a meeting to discuss the transfer
of the graves.
HaIchud HaLeumi alleged that the police are responsible for
the wave of violence visited upon Israeli society, saying
that because of their heavy involvement in the disengagement
plan they are unavailable for day-to-day tasks, such as
handling criminal violations. "The time has come for the
police to take care of what it really has to take care of,"
said party officials. "The police should be disengaged from
the disengagement."
According to media reports, Amana Director Ze'ev Chaver
(Zambish) met on Monday with Omri Sharon at the outpost near
Adam in Binyamin. Following the meeting at one of the illegal
outposts, MK Yossi Sarid (Yachad) said, "Ariel Sharon is
playing a double and triple hand. He is trying to fool
everybody all the time and is preparing himself for a shift
to the right after the disengagement. Sharon has done his
part with the disengagement and has to go as soon as it is
MK Z. Galon (Yachad) said, "The Sharon Family continues to
defraud the public in Israel and abroad as, under the
protection of the disengagement, they establish facts on the
ground and try to secure outposts that the government
committed to evacuate."