In the Proximity of Maran R' Yitzchok Zeev of Brisk,
Memoirs of Rabbi Shlomo Lorincz
Chapter Thirteen
Let Justice Cleave the Mountain: Loyalty to
Shabbos is Repaid Doubly
Even when Maran was in the midst of a very crucial, fateful
battle, waging a holy war in which many heavyweight issues of
Torah hung in the balance, he fulfilled the dictum of Chazal,
"Let justice cleave the mountain." And when there was even a
remote chance of violating even one paragraph in the
Shulchan Oruch, he would call a halt to the entire
Mother's Hours
by Chaim Walder
Kovod av vo'eim is compared to kovod Hashem. To
open our hearts to Hashem for teshuvoh it may be
necessary to open our hearts to our parents. —