Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

5 Av 5765 - August 10, 2005 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly










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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network


Our Response to Hatred? Mourn

The destruction of the Beis Hamikdosh was one of the worst expressions of the hatred that nations of the world have for the Jews. Its presence allowed the Jews to live a life focused on the service of Hashem in the ways that Hashem Himself arranged. It was the conduit for Heavenly beneficence that radiated to the whole world. It was a source of guidance and wisdom that had the potential to help all humanity.

Oleinu Leshabeiach

The fifth and final volume of the Oleinu Leshabeiach series (in Hebrew), on Devorim, was published last year. Written by HaRav Yitzchok Zilberstein, this one, like its predecessors, was prepared for publication by R' Moshe Michoel Tzoran. This entire series, which was received most enthusiastically by the Torah world, incorporates messages of mussar and chizuk, accompanied by stories, facts, insights and vignettes on the leaders of this and recent generations.

"Redeem Us from the Turmoil of Death!"

After the riots of Tarpat (5689), what was it that Maran HaGaon R' Yeruchom, ztvk'l, said before the Musaf of Yom Kippur of 5690? * Why did the Sollel Boneh company not establish kindergartens? * "Torah support in our generation is incumbent also upon `Yissochor.' "

The Fall of Yerushalayim
by Chaim Walder

At this time of year, it is always worthwhile to remind ourselves and even analyze the gemora that attributes the destruction of Jerusalem to an isolated incident of one person who harmed his fellow man.

Just Another Form of Intolerance?
by Rabbi David Zwiebel

How should antisemitism be viewed?

As one example of a much larger group of social pathologies, a form of intolerance not unlike such other manifestations of group bias as racism, anti- Catholicism and xenophobia?

Politica: Knesset Members or Hilltop Youth?
By E. Rauchberger

Some 20 MKs from the right and left have announced their intentions to remain in the Gush Katif area during the Disengagement. The goal of the MKs from the right is to encourage the settlers to protest the evacuation and to act as a pacifying force if necessary. Meanwhile the goal of the MKs from the left is primarily to encourage the security forces and to see for themselves whether the plan is carried out properly.

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