Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

19 Cheshvan 5765 - November 3, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Home and Family

Ten Tips for Enjoying Your Children Even More
by Elisheva Nadler

1. EYE CONTACT -- Remember to look at the face of your beautiful children both when they speak to you and when you speak to them!

2. SMILES -- They warm the heart! Practice smiling as much as you can when you are with your children (or almost anyone else!).

3. TONE OF VOICE -- Make a conscious effort to soften your voice and make it sound a little musical and friendly as you speak.

4. DAYDREAMING -- As you go about your daily routine, daydream about your children and their good qualities. Later on, tell them: "Today I was thinking about how you..." and then describe the admirable quality or deed you thought of.

5. PRAY -- Our success as parents depends a lot on prayer. Pray for your own good character and your children's. You will see results and feel more connected to your goals.

6. SHARE -- If you want your children to share their thoughts with you, it's a good idea to share your thoughts with them. Tell them about your day and how you dealt with its challenges.

7. LAUGH TOGETHER -- Allow yourself to be a little silly and appreciate your children's sense of humor. Laugh, instead of cry, over life's little puddles of split milk. Read a funny poem or story, or make one up together. Healthy laughter (not sarcastic or denigrating) releases stress and creates a warm bond between people.

8. HUGS AND KISSES -- These are the best ways to convey love, and love is what children thrive on. Make sure everyone gets some every day.

9. CHORES AND ERRANDS -- Doing these is part of life. Doing them together with someone you love can be very satisfying. Children gain knowledge, self esteem and precious time with parents.

10. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS -- There are rough times as a family. It's part of family life. Be happy that you are a parent. Many people would trade with you in a second!


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