1. EYE CONTACT -- Remember to look at the face of your
beautiful children both when they speak to you and when you
speak to them!
2. SMILES -- They warm the heart! Practice smiling as much as
you can when you are with your children (or almost anyone
3. TONE OF VOICE -- Make a conscious effort to soften your
voice and make it sound a little musical and friendly as you
4. DAYDREAMING -- As you go about your daily routine,
daydream about your children and their good qualities. Later
on, tell them: "Today I was thinking about how you..." and
then describe the admirable quality or deed you thought
5. PRAY -- Our success as parents depends a lot on prayer.
Pray for your own good character and your children's. You
will see results and feel more connected to your goals.
6. SHARE -- If you want your children to share their
thoughts with you, it's a good idea to share your thoughts
with them. Tell them about your day and how you dealt with
its challenges.
7. LAUGH TOGETHER -- Allow yourself to be a little silly and
appreciate your children's sense of humor. Laugh, instead of
cry, over life's little puddles of split milk. Read a funny
poem or story, or make one up together. Healthy laughter (not
sarcastic or denigrating) releases stress and creates a warm
bond between people.
8. HUGS AND KISSES -- These are the best ways to convey love,
and love is what children thrive on. Make sure everyone gets
some every day.
9. CHORES AND ERRANDS -- Doing these is part of life. Doing
them together with someone you love can be very satisfying.
Children gain knowledge, self esteem and precious time with
10. COUNT YOUR BLESSINGS -- There are rough times as a
family. It's part of family life. Be happy that you are a
parent. Many people would trade with you in a second!