The City of Bnei Brak will operate a joint patrol with Dan
District Police, by attaching a policeman to accompany a city
inspector assigned to handle problem youth and maintain the
public order, Mayor Rabbi Yissochor Frankentahl told the
city's Municipal Security Committee.
During a committee meeting, Mayor Frankentahl said recently
that the City has been in close contact with the police
regarding illegal residents (generally Arabs from the
Palestinian Authority) and fringe youth, adding that these
sensitive matters should be taken care of as soon as possible
rather than merely "learning lessons" after the fact.
Councilman Rabbi Chaim Dovid Rosner said the matter of
illegal residents is for police and not city inspectors, who
are not authorized to demand to see an individual's
identification and certainly not to make arrests. He
suggested imposing heavy fines on the employers of illegal
residents similar to the harsh actions the immigration police
take upon finding foreign workers in the homes of
Councilman Rabbi Yehuda Haber proposed that police who issue
traffic reports at intersections spend one of their morning
hours handling the problem of the non-residents. He said
fringe youth who loiter in the streets until late at night
make noise and disturb the sleep of local residents and
sometimes harass passersby. He also thanked the Mayor for
approving funding for the operation of the joint patrol.