Lomdei Daf Yomi of Melbourne Australia joined together
to celebrate the siyum of masechteh Brochos in
the Daf Yomi cycle.
The siyum, organized by the Australian Daf Yomi committee,
was held on motzei Shabbos parshas Emor in the Elwood
Krafka hall.
The siyum was held to give chizuk and encouragement to
all those who began the 12th cycle of Daf Yomi. Participants
themselves were amazed to see the amount of new people who
have joined the growing ranks of studying a daf a day.
Many new shiurim have been established since the end
of the last cycle.
The women were specifically invited as well, to express
appreciation for their support and encouragement in allowing
their husbands to maintain the daily schedule of learning.
The siyum and the pesicha were given by the
maggidei shiurim Reb Yossi Fromer and Motel Krasanski.
Two participants, Mr. Shmuli Kinderman and Mr. Simon
Weinstein, inspired the audience about the benefits of
learning the daf every day and how this has
ramifications in other areas.
Chazan Y. Rosenbaum and Chazan Y. Braun entertained the crowd
with their chazonus.
A kiddush shem Shomayim was once again achieved
following in the footsteps of the major siyum haShas
held in late February.