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OPINION & COMMENT On Writing Biographies of Gedolim Our biographies of gedolim remain one of our most popular features. Our attempts to capture in a few short pages something of the greatness of our Torah leaders provides inspirational reading that many of our readers find enjoyable. Obvious Truths Are Easily Overlooked
The Power of the Public — Tefillah Betzibbur
Tefilloh Betzibbur Enriches the Worshiper Through Reciting Holy Words If every Jew is required to make every possible effort in order to go to beis haknesses to participate in tefilloh betzibbur, then aside from the advantage of the prayer itself, which cannot be compared to prayer at home, there are many other compensations as well, which similarly can only be fulfilled through prayer with the public.
Kashrus and Politics Do Not Mix An Appeal to Jewish Judges about Mercy Killing "More and more goyim want to move to Israel" (9 Iyar) and the intended immigration of thousands more Falash Mura reminded one of the statement of Rabbi Avigdor Miller zt"l: "Ethiopian `Jews' are not Jews at all. It's a falsehood, sheker vekozov." (tape 853). All material on this site is copyrighted and its use is
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