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HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer zt'l, 10th Kislev 5764 -- His
Fiftieth Yahrtzeit>
"The rebbe Reb Isser Zalman" is the title of honor and
respect by which HaRav Michel Yehuda Lefkowitz, rosh yeshivas
Ponovezh Letze'irim, refers to HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer
zt'l, rosh yeshivas Kletsk and Eitz Chaim,
Yerushalayim, whose yahrtzeit he marks every year by
leading the tefillos.
The arrival on the Yated desk of a collection of
recollections and anecdotes about Reb Isser Zalman, heard and
recorded by HaRav Lefkowitz's talmidim, was the
occasion for our paying him a visit to verify some details
and to clarify which points should be stressed when writing
about HaRav Meltzer. The interview with HaRav Lefkowitz that
followed is presented below, as it took place.
His Shiurim and Chiddushim
YN: What should we stress when writing about HaRav
Isser Zalman?
HaRav Lefkowitz: When writing about teachers of ours
who lived in past generations, the main object to bear in
mind is the benefit that readers will have from what they
read. One should not simply tell stories.
You should note the approach to learning that he followed
when learning with talmidim. At the beginning of a
shiur, Reb Isser Zalman would present the gemora's
discussion as it was, with some expansion, then Rashi and
Tosafos as they were. He would review the sugya in
detail, step by step and only then would he open the Rambam.
That is how one ought to learn and teach.
YN: Perhaps he only used this method of presentation
in his shiurim to the group of talmidim from
Chevron Yeshiva. Maybe his shiurim took other forms as
HaRav Lefkowitz: When he gave a shiur in
Torah's honor at the dedication of Yeshivas Chevron, on the
sugya of, `If you remain silent . . .' I saw that his
delivery followed the same pattern. When he gave a shiur
in Petach Tikva -- after his leg had been injured in
shelling and he left Yerushalayim to rest in the home of his
son-in- law in Petach Tikva -- in the Lomzhe Yeshiva there,
on the sugya of `Chavitzei detamrei' and the
talmidei chachomim of Petach Tikva crowded in to gulp
his every word -- there too, he spoke as always: gemora-
Rashi- Tosafos slowly and clearly and only then the
"When one wants to produce chiddushei Torah," Reb
Isser Zalman said, "one should not lessen one's involvement
with the sugya. One should learn it thoroughly and
with unending patience. One should learn it and then go back
and learn it again, without paying attention to the passing
time. Then, automatically, new ideas will present
themselves." He added, "There is certainly Torah toil in such
True Humility
YN: It is well known that he conducted his dealings
with others with the utmost simplicity. How did the great,
sharp-witted genius from Volozhin speak and live so
HaRav Lefkowitz: The gemora says in Chulin
(89), "Hakodosh Boruch Hu said to Yisroel, `I
delight in you because even when I bestow greatness upon you,
you diminish yourselves before Me. I gave greatness to
Avrohom and he said, "and I am dust and ashes" (Bereishis
18:); to Moshe and Aharon and they said, "And what are
we?" (Shemos 16:); to Dovid and he said, "I am a worm,
not a man" (Tehillim 22). But the gentiles are
different . . .' "
These terms are not meant figuratively. When Avrohom Ovinu
said, `and I am dust and ashes,' that was [precisely] how [he
and] our [other] forefathers, in whom Hashem delighted,
lived. This was the level of the great men of every
generation. [They had] true humility and usually conducted
themselves in a simple and straightforward manner.
(After a moment's thought HaRav Lefkowitz mentions Reb Isser
Zalman's own teacher, Rav Chaim Brisker ztvk'l.) Reb
Chaim Brisker also conducted himself with utter simplicity. I
heard from someone who was a member of Reb Chaim's household
that in his conduct as a private individual, it was
impossible to distinguish between Reb Chaim and his
shammes. [They both behaved] in an utterly simple and
straightforward manner. With all his intellectual stature,
Reb Chaim went about in an outer garment that was exactly the
same as the one worn by his shammes. His kindness and
goodness to others were also extraordinary. Abandoned
children were left on his doorstep and were brought up in his
home, as is well known. There were visitors in his home at
all hours of day and night.
YN: And how was Reb Isser Zalman's genius evident?
HaRav Lefkowitz: That was his genius! His
tremendous humility and forbearance and his ability to deal
with his talmidim on their level!
When a talmid asked him something, he would help him
make the question a good one. He would formulate it properly
and say, "That's probably what you mean to ask" and together,
hand in hand, they would develop the question. When a really
good question was asked, his joy in encouraging and adding
the finishing touch was genuine and heartfelt.
I remember when one of our group asked a very good question.
The rebbe Reb Isser Zalman declared loudly in front of
everyone, "What you said was good!" Not only that -- at the
end of the shiur when he was accompanying us out, as
was his custom, he said again, as though pleased with himself
over something good that had fallen to his lot, "Ah, what you
said was good! Du host gut gezogt!"
He once said, "When a bochur repeats a piece of Torah
to my brother-in-law Reb Moshe Mordechai and he responds to
it with the words, `Mir ken dos zogen (It's possible
to say that),' I say about the same idea that it has a
high degree of excellence."
I heard that some bochurim were once speaking in
learning to Reb Moshe Mordechai Epstein when he suddenly
leafed through a number of pages and asked them, "And what
about the gemora in the sugya there?" Then he
turned to another page and asked, "And what about what the
gemora says over here?" That was his way of showing
them how much there was for them to learn. However, Reb Isser
Zalman's approach was different.
Simple and Unpretentious
And it was all with a fascinating simplicity. On one occasion
we arrived -- our group of bochurim from Chevron
Yeshiva -- for our regular shiur. We heard our
rebbe's voice from inside the apartment, speaking. We
knocked but there was no response. We knocked again and
nobody answered. As we could hear his voice we reasoned that
it must be all right to go inside and that our knocking
hadn't been heard. We entered.
We saw the Rosh Hayeshiva pacing back and forth from one side
of the room to the other, delving into a certain
sugya. When he saw us he said, "I am troubled by a
very serious question in the gemora in maseches
Shekolim." We opened the gemora and saw that on
the very topic that the Rosh Hayeshiva was engrossed, he
himself had already written a note inside his gemora.
When we showed him he said, "So, the Rebbetzin was right. She
always asks me whether it can happen that after having
written and published something one no longer comes across
it. And here we are, meeting up again . . ."
(This story reminds HaRav Lefkowitz of something else.)
Before starting the shiur he would go into the room
where the seforim were and one could see that he was
saying the yehi rotzon prayer prior to learning.
(Another anecdote about Reb Isser Zalman's natural humility,)
When the same masechtos, Pesochim and Gittin,
were being learned in Chevron and in Eitz Chaim [where Reb
Isser Zalman was rosh yeshiva], the shiur for our
group of bochurim took place on Shabbos morning. We
would come to the rebbe Reb Isser Zalman's house and
he would deliver the shiur keloli that he had said in
Eitz Chaim. Afterwards, we would accompany him to
mincha in the beis haknesses in Botei Broide.
Once, after a shiur on the sugya of tziburin
on Pesochim (9), he remarked, "There is something
that compelled this shiur. When I was appointed rov in
Slutsk I had to deliver a Shabbos Hagodol droshoh and
this was the shiur I prepared."
(After a pause) Upon entering the beis haknesses in
Botei Broide and noticing seforim lying on a
shtender he would return them to the bookcase. A
number of times I saw how he noticed seforim whose
pages were folded inside. He went over and arranged the
pages. Everything he did was with the genius of humility and
(With particular emotion) It should be noted that he merited
special Heavenly assistance in saying the right thing at the
right time. With us was a bochur of distinction, whose
learning was excellent but who needed a few extra words of
encouragement. He was speaking to Reb Isser Zalman about
Kodshim when the rebbe suddenly said to him,
"Ah! You are speaking like Reb Boruch Ber, in
Kodshim!" His tone of voice put life and soul into his
words. A great man gets assistance to say what needs to be
Among the Geonim of Yerushalayim
YN: The fact that he taught the group from Chevron, of
which Your Honor was a member, was also a case of Heavenly
assistance -- to help our generation -- by showing how to
teach talmidim.
HaRav Lefkowitz: (sidestepping the question) In
Yerushalayim in those days, there were geonim of a
type that is unknown nowadays. They knew the entire Torah. At
the dedication of Chevron Yeshiva a number of geonim
whose breadth of knowledge was astounding sat with Reb
Isser Zalman and they spoke together in learning. The
Yerushalmi Gaon zt'l Hy'd was there (HaRav Yosef
Yerusholimski, author of Teruas Melech and Chelko
Shel Yosef. A son-in- law of Reb Moshe Mordechai
zt'l, he was rov first of Slobodka and then of
Wilkomir) who was known as a scholar of might and tremendous
breadth and also the gaon HaRav Dovid Jungreis
zt'l, who knew all of Shulchan Oruch and its
commentaries, down to the individual paragraphs. They sat
there talking, displaying dazzling genius. It was a splendid
example of Torah's honor. Reb Isser Zalman was a gaon
of the same caliber but his shiurim followed a
different style.
It was said that on meeting Reb Isser Zalman again in
Yerushalayim after many years, even the gaon HaRav
Reuven Bengis zt'l, who was one of the foremost
scholars of the Volozhin yeshiva, expressed his amazement at
the breadth of Reb Isser Zalman's knowledge of Shas
and poskim. These men were lions of Torah.
By the way, Reb Isser Zalman arrived in Volozhin when he was
a boy: thirteen years old. The rosh yeshiva, the Netziv
zt'l asked an older bochur, Zelig Reuven Bengis
who was then approximately nineteen years old, to learn with
the new talmid. Zelig Reuven replied that his whole
day was already filled and part of the night, too, but if the
Netziv would approve a small raise in his allowance of a few
kopecks for paraffin for his lamp so that he could
learn with the new talmid late at night, he would
undertake to fulfill the Rosh Yeshiva's request.
The rebbe Reb Isser Zalman indeed regarded HaRav
Bengis as his teacher and in Yerushalayim, he tried to
refrain from signing any proclamations before Rav Bengis had
signed first.
The Torah of Earlier Generations
YN: Was the approach in Volozhin, where Reb Isser
Zalman learned in his youth, to cover ground before learning
deeply (Ligmar vehodar lisbar -- Shabbos 63a)?
HaRav Lefkowitz: Not exactly. They learned differently
from how we learn today. Reb Isser Zalman told us that even
those who were not considered the most diligent scholars in
the Volozhin yeshiva, reviewed the masechteh that was
being learned no less than eight times.
"In Volozhin, the bnei hayeshiva learned a daf
of gemora each day and most of the bochurim
reviewed that daf twelve times, while I," Reb Isser
Zalman told me, "because I am a particularly deep learner,
was unable to review each daf more than eight times.
To this day, I feel the lack of those four reviews," he said
with a sigh. "The learning of my earlier years is
YN: So when did they learn in depth?
HaRav Lefkowitz: Their learning to cover ground and
their learning to attain a deeper understanding were both
different from what we understand by these terms today. They
learned the way they did and they developed, as the Rambam
says (Hilchos Talmud Torah 1:11): "A person must
divide his learning into three, one third Torah
Shebikesav, one third Torah Shebe'al Peh and one
third he should understand and comprehend the conclusion from
the beginning, he should make deductions and compare one
thing to another . . . This is called gemora . . .
When is this the case? When a person starts learning. But
when his wisdom grows great and he needs to learn neither
Torah Shebikesav nor . . . he should spend all his
time on gemora exclusively, according to the expanse
of his heart and his calmness of mind."
It is clear from the Rambam that there are two stages in a
person's learning. The first stage, when a person begins
learning [which the gemora calls `ligmor, he
should learn'] he should divide his time between Torah
Shebikesav, Torah Shebe'al Peh and comprehension.
According to this, even that which the gemora refers
to as the initial "learning," before getting to the second
stage [of `lisbar, he should think'] of exclusive
contemplation, is far from what we know nowadays as "learning
in depth." It includes the understanding and comprehension
that the Rambam mentions, namely, understanding on a level
that Chazal call understanding -- not what is called
understanding according to our paltry level. All this is
called "learning" and belongs to the first stage of a
person's learning. Only afterwards does a person come to the
second stage, when he devotes all his time to gemora
according to the breadth of his heart.
We also see here that it is impossible to achieve
understanding and comprehension unless one divides his time
into three, not like those who start developing intricate
ideas and systems as soon as they have finished learning the
mishnah, and almost before they've started learning
the gemora, Rashi and Tosafos. That is
confusion (shibush)!
They learned the correct way, the way one is supposed to
learn and their learning included every necessary aspect of
the study. They didn't jump straight away to the stage of
"understanding and comprehension." Even when we were learning
in yeshiva, I remember how Reb Simcha . . . Pines, who was
one of the elder students in the yeshiva in my time, said to
one of the leading members of our group, "My friend, how can
you open the Rambam? We haven't spent enough time studying
the gemora yet. You haven't finished the gemora
and you're rushing to the Rambam?"
It happened that Reb Isser Zalman once forgot the meaning of
a mishnah and he was extremely distressed. This is
what happened.
In his youth, Reb Isser Zalman used to eat in the home of the
dayan of Volozhin and, after settling in Eretz
Yisroel, the two of them met again. The dayan went to
listen to one of Reb Isser Zalman's shiurim and asked
him a question based on a mishnah that seemed to imply
differently from what Reb Isser Zalman was saying. Reb Isser
Zalman brings the question in Even Ho'ezel and amply
proves his point. Rav Yitzchok Epstein told me that when Reb
Isser Zalman was writing the piece he berated himself in the
harshest of terms for forgetting a mishnah and he had
to be restrained from writing about the mistake in the most
scathing terms. Even what does appear in the sefer is
quite astonishing.
The following anecdotes about "the rebbe Reb Isser
Zalman" were related by HaRav Lefkowitz in the course of
shiurim and shmuessen in yeshiva and were
recorded by his talmidim.
A Thorough Acquaintance
A bochur once repeated a piece of Torah to Reb Isser
Zalman in the name of the Pri Megodim. The Rosh Hayeshiva's
response was, "The Pri Megodim does not say that
chiddush!" The bochur wanted to go right over
to the bookcase to prove he was right, but Reb Isser Zalman
stopped him and said, "Before you pick out a sefer,
let's first examine whether the Pri Megodim would have
written such a idea or not."
He then went on to explain the approach and the learning
methodology of the Pri Megodim, demonstrating that the Pri
Megodim could not possibly have presented the idea in such a
way or in such a form. "Now," said Reb Isser Zalman, "you can
look for what you said."
The bochur searched in the writings of the Pri Megodim
for the chiddush he had said earlier and naturally,
was unable to find it.
"Do you imagine that I'm fluent in everything that the Pri
Megodim wrote?" Reb Isser Zalman asked his talmid. "I
simply realized that he couldn't possibly say something in
such a way."
Reb Isser Zalman then went on to relate a story that involved
his own rebbe, Reb Chaim Brisker zt'l. Reb
Chaim was on a visit to Lodz, Poland and in the place where
he davened shacharis they were searching for a
minyan for krias haTorah. Rav Zalman
Yankelevitz zt'l was present and he said that, "There
is a majority of a minyan of people who haven't yet
heard krias haTorah, so we can begin."
Reb Chaim told him, "Rav Avrohom Danziger zt'l author
of Chayei Odom, does not resolve the question, `when
everybody has heard krias haTorah and there are some
who have not, whether the Torah can be read again for them,'
or whether there need to be a full ten who have not heard
krias haTorah (klal 31:11)."
Rav Yankelevitz replied that the Ran, quoting the Ramban,
writes explicitly that it is sufficient if a majority of a
minyan have not heard krias haTorah, as with
other devorim shebikedushah.
To this, Reb Chaim responded, "There is no Ran that rules as
you are saying. It is impossible that the Ran says that."
Rav Yankelevitz opened the Ran (on daf 3 of the Rif
on Megilloh) and read (from the piece beginning,
Omar Rav): "The Ramban z'l wrote that it is no
proof because all the things enumerated (in the
mishnah on Megilloh 23) are obligations of a
tzibbur and they are not done unless there are ten
men, or a majority of ten, who are obligated in the matter
for example, who have not heard Kaddish or
borchu etc."
"That's not the way to read the Ran," Reb Chaim immediately
corrected him. "It should be read like this: `The Ramban
z'l wrote that it is no proof because all the things
enumerated are obligations of a tzibbur and they are
not done unless there are ten men' -- here there should be a
comma, then -- `or a majority of ten who are obligated in the
matter for example, who have not heard Kaddish or
borchu etc.' `A majority of ten' is thus only
referring to Kaddish and borchu, not to
krias haTorah, which is one of the `obligations of a
tzibbur . . . [which is] not done unless there are ten
"Do you think that I'm completely fluent in everything that
the Ran wrote?" Reb Chaim continued to his student. "It is,
however, clear to me that if Rav Avrohom Danziger, who
merited being a poseik, left this question unresolved,
it is impossible that the Ran rules this way."
It should however be noted that the Mishnah Berurah in
Biur Halochoh, at the beginning of siman 143
mentions the doubt of the Chayei Odom and writes that, "a
certain godol showed me that the Ran . . . in
Megilloh . . . writes explicitly that a majority [of
the ten] who have not read are sufficient . . ." Neither the
`certain godol' nor the Biur Halochoh shared Reb
Chaim's understanding of the Ran. See a lengthy discussion on
this in Igros Moshe, Orach Chaim I, simonim 28, 29 and
HaRav Lefkowitz adds that he was once sitting in the home of
HaRav Reuven Katz zt'l the rov of Petach Tikva when
Rav Czwiyak, rov of Kfar Ganim who was also present, related
that the godol who showed the Ran to the Mishna
Berurah was HaRav Moshe Landynsky zt'l who served as
rosh yeshiva in the Chofetz Chaim's yeshiva in Radin. Rav
Czwiyak was a talmid of Radin.
Keep a Record
The rebbe once spoke to us about the importance of
writing down all the questions, comments and ideas that occur
while learning during the day. He added, "I myself wrote
Even Ho'ezel as a result of the notes which I used to
write down every day." As he was speaking, he got up
excitedly, went over to the bookcase and took out a large,
thick notebook which he displayed saying, "This is my tog
buch (diary), where I record everything that occurs to me
in the course of my learning. My sefer, Even
Ho'ezel was the product of these notes."
He then added, "There was a time when I was not in the best
of health and I wasn't delivering my regular shiurim
in Yeshivas Eitz Chaim. The absence of those pages of the
maseches on which I didn't give shiur in the
yeshiva, is noticeable in Even Ho'ezel."
Self Sacrifice
When the rebbe Reb Isser Zalman traveled to the
Chofetz Chaim to tell him how difficult it was for him to
carry the burden of the rabbonus of Slutsk and to consult him
about whether to resign from the post of being rov of such a
large city, the Chofetz Chaim's response was, "One should act
with self sacrifice on Klal Yisroel's behalf."
Not to Cause Bother for Nothing
Reb Isser Zalman spent a lot of time learning with his
talmid Rav Yitzchok Epstein. One night, while they
were learning, the Rosh Yeshiva told Reb Yitzchok a
chiddush in support of which he cited a certain
Tosafos but he couldn't remember where the Tosafos was.
Rebbe and talmid both searched but they were
unable to locate the Tosafos. It was already late and Reb
Yitzchok returned to his room in Chevron Yeshiva, without
their having found what they were looking for.
The next morning before shacharis, Reb Yitzchok was
told that Rebbetzin Meltzer was waiting for him next to the
beis hamedrash. He hurried over to her and she told
him that her husband had sent her to tell him that he had
already found the Tosafos he was looking for. He wanted to
let you know despite the early hour, she said, because he
knew that you would continue searching and he wanted to save
you from wasting time unnecessarily.
How Could I Have Repaid a Debt of
When both Yeshivas Chevron and Yeshivas Eitz Chaim were
learning maseches Gittin, a group of bochurim
from Chevron got together and asked Reb Isser Zalman if he
would give them a shiur on Gittin. He agreed
and we would go to his house every Shabbos to hear his
divrei Torah.
One winter Shabbos, there was a torrential downpour. We left
the yeshiva several times to go to his house but we had to
return every time because of the driving rain. In the end we
were unable to go.
The following Shabbos we told him what had happened and
apologized for not having come for the shiur. Upon
hearing our apology he immediately said, "Actually, you did a
very good thing by not coming in the rain last Shabbos. If
you would have come in such heavy rain, how could I have
repaid you for it?"
In his tremendous humility, it didn't even occur to him that
the shiur that we would have heard from him, had we
come, would have been the best possible `payment'.
Not to Bother Someone Else
When he needed a book from the shelf while learning, it was
impossible to get there before he did. He would go over to
the bookcase with astonishing speed and agility. No talmid
ever managed to take a sefer out for him before he
took it himself.
Supervise Him, Tend Him and Guard Him
In discussing a certain gifted talmid who was not
doing well in his studies, Reb Isser Zalman once remarked,
"When a boy is gifted, it seems that ability alone is
insufficient. The child must be supervised, tended and
Willingly and by Compulsion
For four years, between 5700-4, HaRav Lefkowitz would travel
each day between Bnei Brak and Petach Tikva. He was learning
half the day in Kollel Toras Eretz Yisroel in Petach Tikva
and in the other half, delivered a shiur in Yeshivas
Tiferes Tzion in Bnei Brak. The travelling was exhausting and
it also took a great deal of time away from learning.
Sometimes, he had to make his way to Petach Tikva on foot.
Even when he traveled by bus, he had to walk to the outskirts
of Bnei Brak (to what was then known as a `the black road'),
to get to the stop for the bus to Petach Tikva. When Reb
Isser Zalman was staying with his daughter and son-in-law Rav
Yitzchok Ben Menachem in Petach Tikva, following an injury,
HaRav Lefkowitz went in to him and complained about his
Reb Isser Zalman told him that this was the meaning of our
confession on Yom Kippur for "the sin that we have sinned
before You out of compulsion and willingly" -- from being
compelled to lose time from learning because of one's wish to
learn. One should at least feel distress and upset over the
time that one is compelled to lose.
No Corrections to the Rambam Nowadays
Reb Isser Zalman once told HaRav Lefkowitz, "When I was
working on the notes to the Chiddushei HaRamban, I saw
how many mistakes there are in the various copies and
editions and I realized that mistakes are not all that
"On the other hand, one cannot amend the Rambam's works
because they are seforim that have been in general
intensive use for many generations. I amended a single
halochoh of the Rambam's but my conscience troubles me
over it."
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