Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

13 Teves 5764 - January 7, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Diplomate, Board Certification of Emergency Medicine

Bulimia is another disease of young women which can be very damaging. These young women -- the typical patient -- often look of normal weight. However they binge eat and then -- usually in secret -- purge. That is, they vomit the food back, usually by sticking their fingers in their throats. Sometimes they vacillate between anorexia and bulimia.

There is usually some underlying psychological problem in these people, although it can be as simple as low self- esteem, parental or peer pressures or bad family dynamics. Fortunately, recovery is not uncommon, and there are good therapies, including psychotherapy and medications -- especially antidepressants which seem to have a good effect against all obsessive-compulsive behavior.

Another form of eating disorder that can cause severe problems is undereating in people without an appetite, such as in the elderly and in cancer patients.

In cancer patients we often prescribe nutritional supplements such as Ensure or Jevity. Keep in mind that these are Cholov Stam under the O-U in America. Elderly patients can often be fed by making a hole in the stomach wall and feeding them through it. This will not cut down on the incidence of pneumonia or aspirations, but it does give more food to those who find it hard to eat. Usually when patients refuse to eat -- especially in cancer - - it is the end in most cases.

Depression is another cause of not eating. It is normal for a grief-stricken patient not to eat, but once a lot of weight is lost, one must consider a diagnosis of depression. Many excellent medications exist to treat this.

Overeating is a rarer disorder in the extreme. Pica -- a disease of brain-impaired people who usually have birth defects -- is a disease where almost anything will be eaten. More commonly, people just overeat due to sadness or boredom, which usually leads to obesity.

Binge eating on Shabbos -- which can happen when you just eat a much-larger-than-usual Shabbos meal -- is also very bad for the body. Eat slowly and in small amounts. Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. Zofran is the most effective medication against vomiting, and is the most common one used for chemotherapy patients who often have bad vomiting. Unlike other drugs used in Israel for vomiting, this has much fewer side effects.


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