Spirit! Magazine (Exploring Family Issues and
developmental Disabilities)
"The birth of a special needs child brings on nisyonos
of astronomic dimensions. Initially, parents ae profoundly
shocked and pained, and react with the sinking feeling of
helplessness and broken-heartedness...
"For the first few weeks, nothing else exists. The sun
shines, day and night exchange niceties, but they do not
affect these beleagured souls... But with time, the Healer of
broken hearts casts His spell on these parents and they
become attached to the [all-the-more helpless] special needs
child as only a parent can."
The above is a quote from "Leaving the Nest" by Malka
Silverstein, principal of a girls' school and mother of a
Down's syndrome adult.
Spirit! Magazine provides parents with education,
encouragement, and the knowledge that they're not alone in
the decisions and difficulties in raising a special child.
Published by Yedei Chesed, an affiliate of Bikur Cholim of
Rockland County, Spirit! Magazine is a quarterly for
the frum community. The almost 100-page
Horizons- size magazine is very slick, with
professional graphics, and the articles glimmer with
bitochon, occasional humor and practical help.
The first-person accounts of overcoming disabilities or
dealing with challenged children are memorable for the
writing, as well as for the message. Not every article is
great literature, but they do provide information, for
example, about autism, marriage for the developmentally
disabled or writing letters of medical necessity to gain
approval for insurance claims.
"Focus on Our Feedback," where readers write in response to
previously published Spirit! Magazine articles, "Kids
Kwotes (sic)," "Views from Our Shoes" (a forum to exchange
suggestions and ideas or seek solutions to situations from
other parents in "your shoes"), "Equipment Exchange Program"
(connecting people who need equipment with others who seek to
donate, sell, or lend what they no longer use), and "Tips for
Parents" are all from readers connecting with each other and
offering peer support and understanding.
"The Rav Responds" is a column for parents to address general
questions to a Rav, "...designed for discussion purposes and
are hashkofa-related ONLY. Individual shaylos
must be presented to your rabbinic authority for direct
guidance." A book review regarding Asperger Syndrome, clever
and/or moving poetry, and e-mail addresses for readers who
would like further information -- all round out the magazine.
Together with the previously mentioned articles, the annual
$18 subscription fee is a bargain.
Of course, the $30 cost for foreign mail, out of the U.S., is
a bit pricey, but perhaps one can wheedle some relatives to
pitch in for it. If the suggestions and ideas improve the
family's life and help maximize the child's potential,
Spirit! Magazine more than pays for itself.
YEDEI CHESED, 20 Robert Pitt Drive, Monsey, N.Y. 10952,
HaRav Chaim Leibush Rottenberg of Monsey is the "halachic
guide" of Yedei Chesed, as well as of the Bikur Cholim of
Rockland County and the local Hatzoloh.