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25 Adar 5764 - March 18, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Why Weight Bounces Back
by Dr. Reuven Bruner, Ph.D. (Lifestyle Nutritionist)

Why is it so difficult to avoid putting those pounds back on? Biology, environment and the pressures of everyday life all play a role.

* Biology -- The body's metabolism, programmed for survival in times of food shortage, works against dieters. Your metabolism slows down because it is trying to conserve energy. So you get hungry, your body doesn't expend as many calories as before, doing the same things, and you have to reduce calories even more.

* Environment -- It's tougher to lose weight and keep weight off now than it was 20 years ago because there are so many incentives to eat more and move less. The cheapest foods are often the unhealthiest. Activity is reduced by labor-saving devices, sit-down entertainment such as computers, lectures, and the growing number of people in desk jobs.

* Life pressures -- Weight control takes a lot of work, hard work. If life gets in the way, a spouse gets ill, your child is going through behavioral problems -- the disposable energy that you have for any project, including weight control, gets diverted. So you go back to old habits and you regain weight.


Is it possible to lose weight and keep it off for a long time? Plenty of highly motivated people have succeeded. Now, research is starting to provide a clearer picture of how they do it.

Some of the most detailed information comes from a national long term study. The National Weight Control Registry contains information on 3,000 people who have lost 30 to 100 pounds (average -- 60 lbs.) and then kept their weight stable for at least one year (average -- five years).

They lost wieght using many different diets or programs, says James Hill, Ph.D., co-director of the study, along with Rena Wing, Ph.D. of Brown university. But those who keep it off have several things in common, he says.


People in the weight-control registry, on the average, burn up about 2,700 calories a week in physical activity, says Hill, director of the Center for Human Nutrition at the University of Colorado Health Sciences Center in Denver.

That's equal to about one hour of moderately intense activity every day. For example, five miles of walking. "I think this is the most important factor," Hill says.

It's not clear if people who lose smaller amounts of weight need to exercise this much. Still, a large body of research agrees that exercise is essential in counteracting the body's tendency to regain weight.

Without exercise, the other efforts are simply temporary. There are very few people who can lose weight and keep it off without changing the amount of energy they expend.

Guidelines from the National Heart, Lung and Blood Institute, part of the NIH, make the following recommendations about exercise to prevent weight gain.

* Consult your doctor and an exercise physiologist and start slowly to avoid injury.

* If you have been inactive, start with 10 to 30 minutes of moderately intense activity, such as walking, three days a week. Build up to 30-45 minutes on most or all days of the week.

* Reduce sedentary activities. Build more activity into your day by getting off one stop before your destination, parking farther away, taking the stairs instead of the elevator, gardening etc.

* Schedule your physical activity a week in advance, budget the time to do it, and use a diary to record the amount of time you spend exercising. Record the type of activity as well as the intensity.

Self Monitoring

People in the weight control registry are highly disciplined about this. They weigh themselves a lot and they record what they eat on a regular basis.

Our experience with patients also shows that self monitoring is important because it allows you to notice weight fluctations early and to take action.

This doesn't mean you get crazy about every pound you go up or down, but it does mean that this is a chronic problem and when you gain weight, what are you going to do about it? The way you reverse small weight gains is to have a specific plan.

Sustainable, Healthy Diet

Although people in the registry originally lost weight using a variety of diets, the vast majority kept the weight off by following a low fat, high carbohydrate diet.

Although new research indicates that low carbohydrate regimes such as the Atkins diet can produce significant weight loss, very few people in the weight control registry were following Atkins long term.

Another important rule is to control portion size, and we still believe that reducing dietary fat is the most efficient way of reducing calories.

Our own patients who are successful at long term weight control make rules for themselves about eating. They make those rules second nature.

For example, someone who eats a salad every day, but longs for a pizza or shwarma, at some point will give up and indulge. In contrast, people who permanently lose weight often say they don't do anything special to keep it off because they have made a permanent change in how they think about food.

They have sort of drummed the pizza out of their minds. They have a new reality.


This is another important element for people in the National Weight Control Registry. They eat breakfast, so they're spreading out their calories over the day.

This pattern is important to reduce hunger and bingeing. You have to eat breakfast. You have to spread your calories out and eat at least three or five times a day.

The Role of Support

It's difficult to keep weight off, but research indicates that it helps to have some outside support.

We know that frequent contact with a health professional or some other entity that's looking after them, which would include a support group, is helpful. We find in our clinic sessions that people who participate in the most work out/exercise lose the most weight.

Unfortunately, we don't know cause and effect. If you force people to go to sessions, would you get the same effect? Maybe people who are successful are proud, so they show up.

The form of support you need may depend on your personality. Our sense is that in an attempt to find out what works, we generalize too much. Some people are sole dieters and some like buddies. The most consistent data show that consistent contact with a professional improves the long term outcome.

But ultimately, what matters is individual vigilance. Maintenance is a very active process. If you go with the tide, you will gain weight.

For a FREE 30 Day BRUNER METHOD Home Fitness/Lifestyle Program, contact him at POB 1903, Jerusalem, 91314, Israel. Tel. (02-652-7684. Mobile: 052-865- 8211. Fax; 02-652-7227. Email


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