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This issue is the Succos issue. The next issue is scheduled for Wednesday, 26 Tishrei-October 22, for the week of Parshas Bereishis. Chag Somayach to all!
Agudas Yisroel and Degel HaTorah representatives signed a
unity agreement in Bnei Brak last week, bringing a dispute
over the selection of representatives in the upcoming
municipal elections to a happy ending. The UTJ-Agudas Yisroel-
Degel HaTorah mayoral candidate will be Rabbi Yissochor
Frankentahl and the candidate for first deputy mayor will be
Rabbi Yaakov Asher. Maranan verabonon have directed talmud Torah
principals across the country to oppose recent attempts at
outside intervention in curriculum.
Long lines strung out at kosher food stores just before Rosh
Hashanah and the streets of the Paris Jewish quarter were
packed with people. Heavily laden shoppers navigated through
the crowds in search of sheep heads for sale.
Interior Minister Avraham Poraz (Shinui) issued a new decree
last week, ordering the cancellation of local tax
(arnonah) discounts for large and low-income
families. United Torah Jewry Stands United for Municipal
Elections Following the submission of the candidate lists for next
month's local elections United Torah Jewry appears to have
achieved unity and inner cohesiveness that promise great
success on Election Day. The candidates chosen to represent
the party in every location are also well-liked and accepted
by the general public. NJPS Sparks Controversy Among the conclusions of an independent review of the
National Jewish Population Survey 2000-01, which was
conducted by the United Jewish Communities federation
umbrella group, was that it may undercount the number of Jews
and overestimate their Jewish activity. US Study: Jews Richer Because of Religion Mainline Protestants and Catholics are about the same as the
general population average in terms of overall wealth but
that of conservative Protestants is half of the average. The
average net worth of American Jews is three times that of the
general population, according to a new national study by Ohio
State University on religious affiliation and wealth. Hamas's Use of Charitable Societies to Fund and Support
In Hamas's worldview, dawa ("preaching" or "calling")
plays an important role in the organization's activities and
is one of the more prominent means by which it realizes its
immediate goals: inculcating Islam in the community,
increasing public support for the organization and recruiting
new members. Concern Over Orloh in Citrus Fruits in Coming Years
According to a recent report in financial daily
Globes, the citrus-fruit industry is enjoying an
upswing after years of inactivity. This summer 350,000 citrus
trees will be planted on 6,000 dunams (1,500 acres) of land
in the Northern Negev and in the Sharon Region. Possibility of Rebuilding Vilna Gaon's Beis Knesses Lithuanian Prime Minister Algirdas Brazauseks said before
Rosh Hashonoh during a meeting with Knesset Chairman Reuven
Rivlin, who was visiting the country, that the Lithuanian
parliament would soon be asked to reconsider the local
citizenship law which discriminates against Jewish Holocaust
survivors. Kadimah Local Council Refuses to Provide Security for
Nesivos Moshe MK Rabbi Moshe Gafni has demanded the Ministry of Internal
Security intervene to protect students at the Nesivos Moshe
school in Kadimah after Local Council Chairman Ezra Levy
refused to take responsibility for the children's well-being.
The council head said he does not recognize the school, a
remark that aroused angry reactions since the school operates
legally. Pleasure-Seeking and Simchah on Succos
If the cultural leadership of the Western World in New York
and Hollywood were to organize a Time of Happiness, it would
probably take the form of many huge gatherings at which there
would be freely available vast quantities of food,
intoxicating beverages, public performances of all forms of
modern music and entertainment -- and, certainly not least, a
relaxing of whatever restraint is left in modern society.
An Apple for the Teacher
How I savored this moment. Lovingly, I caressed the apple,
then I kissed it. I spoke to the apple as if it could
hear... Obligations of the Privileged Class -- Taharas Cohanim:
The Organization of Cohanim in Eretz Yisroel and the
Diaspora All Quiet on the Bar Lev Front
Tracing the Haunted Ruins of Europe -- A Journey from
Italy to Holland
Bais Medrash Elyon Monsey - Bais Medrash Elyon Bnei
The Lesson of Luxuries
The Ancient Cemetery of York
Hoshana Rabba falls on Friday, 21 Tishrei (Oct. 17).
At Shacharis we add the pesukei dezimrah of Shabbos
except for nishmas, all of the hoashana
prayers, and afterwards we beat the hoshanos on the
In Eretz Yisroel, Shmini Atzeres and Simchas
Torah fall on Shabbos, 22 Tishrei (Oct. 18). In Chutz
Le'aretz, Shmini Atzeres falls on Shabbos, and
Simchas Torah falls on Sunday, 23 Tishrei (Oct. 18-
Yizkor is said on Shmini Atzeres.
In Shemoneh Esrei we add Morid HaGeshem from
Mussaf of Simchas Torah.
The achronim write that even after Sukkos we
should not step on the sechach since it is
tashmishei mitzvah like tzitzis and a
lulav (Mishnah Berurah 638:24).