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The next issue is the Succos issue, to be posted the week before Succos. The issue after that is scheduled for after Succos, the week of Parshas Bereishis. Kesivoh vechasimoh tovoh to all Beis Yisroel.
It is likely that there will soon be a prisoner swap whereby
the Iranian and Syrian-backed Hizbullah military organization
in Lebanon will exchange businessman and retired colonel
Elchanan Tannenbaum, who is reported to be alive, and the
bodies of three IDF soldiers. All four were captured alive
three years ago, but the soldiers have since been declared
dead by the IDF. The US and Israel appear to be on a course to settle their
differences over the separation fence in the usual manner:
avoiding the problem.
The 2001 South African census, the results of which were
finally released in the first half of this year, reveals a
Jewish community whose numbers, despite emigration, remain
relatively stable but which is aging and steadily shrinking
as a proportion of the general population.
On Sunday afternoon 17 Elul-14 September, the sun was shining
as the full glory of the new quarters of Yeshivas Shaarei
Torah became apparent. Chemical Shockers to be Used to Neutralize Would-Be
Suicide Bombers on Buses Last week the Knesset House Committee revealed an innovative
defense plan for public buses, including a special device and
sensors to detect explosives before the terrorist steps onto
the bus, as well as a "chemical shocker" that would
neutralize the would-be suicide bomber. New Edition of Sefer Chofetz Chaim The last several years have seen an increase in the number of
people studying the halochos of shemiras
haloshon on a daily basis, along with a growing awareness
of their importance among Jews from every walk of life --
avreichim and bochurim, baalei batim and
businessmen, women, schoolteachers and seminary students. Brotherly Understanding in Rechovot There are many ways to describe the developing tensions that
have evolved between the religious and non-religious sectors
in Israel. Without proper guidance and teaching, one might
find oneself baselessly hating fellow Jews and causing a
severe rift. Malchuso Bakol Mosholoh -- His Kingdom Will Rule
Despite all the high-power, high pressure, high technology of
the modern world, our observance of Rosh Hashanah (and most
of the mitzvos of the Torah) is pretty low-tech. We still
take a ram's horn and blow it as commanded in our 3000-year-
old Torah, and we spend much of the day in prayer focusing on
Malchuyos, Zichronos and Shoforos, as codified
by Chazal more than 2,500 years ago. We rejoice and enjoy our
yom tov meals as charged by Nechemiah (8:10).
The Young Mourners
The recent terrorist attack on the No. 2 bus from the Kosel
is being referred to as the "attack on children," due to the
many children killed, injured or orphaned in the bloody
attack. Third Generation Talmid of the Ari HaKodosh The Week That Revolutionized Their Lives -- An Encounter
with "Shteigen"
Monday, 3 Tishrei (Sep. 29) is Tzom Gedalya on which
we fast in memory of the killing of Gedalya ben Achikom who
was appointed by Nevuchadnezer to protect the Jews after the
destruction of the first Beis HaMikdash.
The custom is to make kaporos during the Aseres
Yemei Teshuvah. "It is proper for every male to try to
obtain an aliyah during these days. Even where the
aliyos are sold he should buy them according to his
capability. On the contrary, it is more advantageous to pay
for a mitzvah than to receive it for free" (Mateh
Avrohom cited in Mishnah Berurah 584:8).
The minhag is for the Mora DeAsra to say a
deroshah on Shabbos Shuvah to awaken the
olam to teshuvah and inform the community of
the halochos of Yom Kippur and Sukkos (see Mishnah
Berurah chap. 429).
Israel will return to the regular clock on Thursday night,
between 6- 7 Tishrei; 1:00 a.m., October 3.
It is a mitzvah to eat on Erev Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur falls on Monday, 10 Tishrei (Oct. 6).
Yizkor is said on Yom Kippur.
On Yom Kippur one is prohibited in all the five
Kiddush Levonoh is said on Motzei Yom Kippur
(for those who do not follow the Gaon's ruling to make
Kiddush Levonoh during the Aseres Yemei
The minhag is to start building a Sukkah on
Motzei Yom Kippur.
Yom Tov Sukkos falls on Shabbos, 15 Tishrei (Oct. 11)
in Eretz Yisroel, and in Chutz Le'aretz on both
Shabbos and Sunday, 15 and 16 Tishrei (Oct. 11-12). We are
obligated to eat lechatchilah more than a
beitzah of bread on that night while sitting in a
sukkah with kavonoh to fulfill this
mitzvah. In addition, we must have kavonoh that
we are doing so in memory of yetzias Mitzrayim and the
anonei kovod that protected us in the midbar
from the sun and the rain.