Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

22 Elul 5764 - September 8, 2004 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

Specialist In Emergency Medicine

I do not like addressing this topic, but my readers insist. I was taken to task for not telling people to empty diapers in the toilet before throwing them out, in the name of stopping the spread of disease. I would rather you touch the diaper as little as possible. Disease is spread well by hands and the key is to just wash your hands vigorously.

There is a request to speak on garbage disposals. The main health hazard is putting things that can cause the unit to be damaged and thus damage the user. You can not stick hands in these machines due to the way they are designed, but putting metal objects in them could be dangerous.

We discussed microwaves, but please be careful about other things -- cups of coffee, pots left near the edge, which are all burn hazards. Be careful opening up microwaved dishes, the steam may be hot.

Mrs. W. asks about the causes of high blood pressure. Kidney problems, vascular problems, age -- all can cause a rise in blood pressure. But the most common cause is unknown. Today, most patients need at least two drugs to control their pressure and all have some side effects, but the choice is wide and the side effects are minimal. Fat people have a high rate of high blood pressure, as well as diabetes, gallbladder problems, heart disease, colon, prostate, endometrial, and female cancer of the chest.

Exercise lowers blood pressure. Caffeine increases heart rate but not necessarily blood pressure. It is addictive and will cause a need to urinate.

If you suffer from headaches from fasting, contact Dr. Dreascher of Tel HaShomer who is doing a study on this and has a new medicine that may help. He can be reached at 052 666 7105. Write me in care of the Yated.

A message from GlaxoSmithKline, sponsor of this column. Haven't spoken about Zyban lately. It is a great drug to help lower the desire to smoke. It works fast. Most users quit the habit within three months. It could save your life!


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