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This issue covers Shabbos Selichos, Rosh Hashonoh and Yom Kippur. The next issue will be for Succos. After that the next scheduled issue is for parshas Noach. Kesivah vechasimah tovoh to all.
The following original halachic rulings were recently
collected by an individual active in the area.
After extensive research, including both written and verbal
discussions with many worldwide renowned gedolei
horo'oh, it is clear that one should refrain from doing
any melochos deOraisa during bein hashemoshos
(from sunset until nightfall) on every motzei Yom Tov.
A training camp of the Hamas armed wing located in Gaza City
was attacked by IDF helicopters and warplanes, as well as
tanks, killing 14 Hamas fighters. About 30 people were also
The launch of the Israeli intelligence satellite Ofek-6
failed on Monday when its Shavit rocket malfunctioned in its
third and final stage. Ofek-6 was expected to provide Israel
with intelligence data on countries in the Middle East,
particularly Iran, which have ballistic missile and nuclear
weapons programs.
The Nautilus, a joint American-Israeli weapons system,
performed perfectly during a firing test in New Mexico,
accurately intercepting and destroying mortar shells.
Religious Development in Givat Zeev Dozens of families and hundreds of Jews in Givat Zeev, a town
located outside Jerusalem on the north, near the road to
Modi'in Illit, are drawing closer to Torah and
Yiddishkeit, following a range of local activities
during the past year.
Shinui's image as a result of the Paritzky scandal will never
be the same. Even within the party some sought to take
advantage of the dismissal to bring up other problems
plaguing the party, but they were hushed up in the best
Bolshevik tradition.
"And for the sin that we committed before You in our heart's
thoughts" (behirhur haleiv). Never Remove Your Love from Us!
Oozing Wounds
Yeshivas Chevron, on the first night of Rosh Hashonoh 5690
[75 years ago, just over a month after the great pogrom in
No Comparison
"You should learn from your little sister, Henny, how to play
properly," the flute teacher screwed up her face in anger and
told me in an irritated voice. I turned my head away in
shame, trying to overcome my tears. "Look how Henny seals the
holes of the recorder properly. She isn't whistling loudly. Ice and Fire Every year when Yom Kippur is near, a memory comes to all in
our family of the miracle Hashem once did for us. A Yom Kippur of HaRav Chaim Soloveitchik of Brisk HaRav Naftoli Tzvi Trop -- the Granat
Erev Rosh HaShanah 5765 falls on Wednesday, Sep. 15, 2004.
Hatoros Nedorim must be made. This morning, we say
tachanun at selichos but not at Shacharis or
Mincha. We make an eiruv tavshilin to permit us to
cook and bake for Shabbos.
Rosh HaShanah falls on Thursday, Sep. 16 and Friday,
Sep. 17.
The minhag is for the Mora DeAsra to deliver a
deroshah on Shabbos Shuvah to awaken the
olam to teshuvah and inform the community of
the halochos of Yom Kippur and Sukkos (see Mishnah
Berurah chap. 429).
Sunday, 4 Tishrei (Sep. 19) is Tzom Gedalyahu
(nidcheh) on which we fast in memory of the killing of
Gedalya ben Achikom who was appointed by Nevuchadnezer to
protect the Jews after the destruction of the first Beis
The custom is to make kaporos during the Aseres
Yemei Teshuvah. "It is proper for every male to try to
obtain an aliyah during these days. Even where the
aliyos are sold, he should buy them according to his
capability. On the contrary, it is more meritorious to pay
for a mitzvah than to receive it for free" (Mateh
Avrohom cited in Mishnah Berurah 584:8).
It is a mitzvah to eat on Erev Yom Kippur.
Yom Kippur falls on Shabbos, 10 Tishrei (Sep. 25).
Yizkor is said on Yom Kippur.
On Yom Kippur one is prohibited in all the five
Kiddush Levonoh is said on Motzei Yom Kippur
(for those who do not follow the Gaon's ruling to make
Kiddush Levonoh during the Aseres Yemei
The minhag is to start building a Sukkah on
Motzei Yom Kippur.