About 2 weeks ago the Slobodka Yeshiva in Bnei Brak was the
scene of an exciting celebration.
The approximately 60 American students that attend the
Yeshiva were invited by Rabbi Kosman, a ram in the
Yeshiva Gedolah, to a siyum on the occasion of
finishing the first leg of a unique project on the Mishna
As the students enjoyed the special atmosphere of the
siyum, Rabbi Kosman explained to one and all what
Master Mishna Berurah is all about.
The entire Mishna Berurah has already been recorded on tape
(and is available at the Torah Tapes library in Borough Park)
but Rabbi Kosman`s latest project contains 2 unique
1. SPEED: the tape series available at Torah Tapes, offers a
60 minute shiur per tape covering one page (2 sides)
of Mishna Berurah. Rabbi Kosman's new tape series
(Master Mishna Berurah) offers a 90 minute shiur per
tape covering 3-4 pages (6-8 sides) thus allowing more ground
to be covered in less time. One might think the pace is
rather quick but there are listeners that actually speed up
the playing mechanism of their tape recorder to "move a bit
2. DOUBLE VERSION: In addition Master Mishna Berurah actually
has 2 versions. Version 1 is a standard shiur with a
word-for-word recitation of the Mishna Berurah,
together with a clear translation and explanation.
Salient points of the Biyur Halacha and Shaar
Hatzion are also mentioned. Version 2 is a recitation of
the Shulchan Oruch only. The explanation though is a
unique blend of the pshat and pesakim of the
Mishna Berurah. The second shiur covers 7-8
pages (14-16 sides) per 90 minute tape and can be a useful
aid for chazorah.
Rabbi Kosman added in his remarks at the siyum that
the Master Mishna Berurah project comes at a most opportune
moment in the history of Klal Yisroel.
It is no secret that there is a new interest in mastering the
Mishna Berurah. This is evidenced by the beginning of
the Amud Yomi project covering one side of a page of the
Mishna Berurah a day. In addition there are programs
that are making their way from yeshiva to yeshiva where an
emphasis is placed on mastering Hilchos Shabbos or the third
cheilek of the Mishna Berurah.
For this reason Rabbi Kosman decided to start the Master
Mishna Berurah project with cheilek gimmel.The
completion of version 1 (46 tapes) and version 2 (27 tapes)
on cheilek gimmel was the reason for the recent
As the boys made their way back to the beis medrash,
the lechayims resounded over and over again as the
olam wished Rabbi Kosman hatzlochoh in
transmitting the word of the living G-d to His people.
Master Mishna Berurah joins 3 other audio cassette projects
of Rabbi Kosman. Master Daf on gemora, Master Mishna
and Master Rambam. The next project on the agenda (after
Master Mishna Berurah) is Master Chumash.
For more details call 03 579 4067/ 056 740 657 or write to