Rabbi Chaim Heimlich Appointed Moreh Horo'oh For Melbourne's
Adass Yisroel Kehilloh
By S B Abelesz
Mr. Binyomin Koppel, president of Melbourne's chareidi Adass
Yisroel Kehilloh, has announced the appointment of HaRav
Chaim Heimlich, 35, to the position of Moreh Horo'oh for the
Rav Heimlich's duties will include assisting the shul's rov,
Rabbi A Z Beck and its Dayan, Rabbi Yehuda Katz, Rosh Kollel
Beis Yosef, in answering shaalos from the growing
membership of the kehilloh as well as the responding
to queries from the larger community and interstate. He will
also continue giving his well-attended daily and weekly
halocho shiurim to Adass members. Rav Heimlich will
also continue in his position as deputy head of Adass' Kollel
Beis Yosef.
The rapid growth of the Adass kehilloh and the
increasing burdens carried by Rabbi Beck and Rabbi Katz in
the fields of halochoh, dinei Torah, kashrus, chinuch
and more, have necessitated this appointment.
Rabbi Chaim Heimlich is Melbourne born and bred, educated in
the Adass educational institutions and later in the yeshiva
and kollel of Toldos Aharon in Jerusalem.
He received his semichoh from Rabbi Beck, Rabbi Meir
Brandsdorfer, of the beis din of the Eida HaChareidis
in Jerusalem, Rav Yechezkel Roth, Karlsburger Rov of
Brooklyn, and Rav Osher Freiman in Jerusalem.
Reb Chaim is a third generation member of the Adass
community. His father is Mr. Mendel Heimlich, the long time
treasurer of Adass. His grandfather Rabbi Mordechai Yitzchok
Heimlich who served as a melamed and baal
tefilloh in Adass for several decades. His maternal
grandfather was the late Mr. Meir Zvi Fischer, a pioneer of
the Adass community.