Degel HaTorah's Bureau for Public Inquiries in Jerusalem
reports it has expanded the range of services available to
city residents.
Degel HaTorah executives, representatives and activists
operate within the public at large and bnei Torah in
particular, serving as the primary address for assistance in
many areas, and toward this end the party even set up a
center for public inquiries.
The bureau provides help in city and municipal matters and
advice on government mortgage loans, health funds (kupot
cholim), transportation, tax and legal consulting and
advice on construction and housing.
Inquirers receive dedicated, personal service by
knowledgeable experts. Many visitors say that through the
center they feel tied to their representatives and through
them to the various authorities, allowing them to take full
advantage of their rights.
One of the areas the directors of the Bureau for Public
Inquiries has endeavored to expand is the field of
construction. The growth in the chareidi sector, besiyata
deShmaya, has created a need for thousands of new
apartments and extensions on existing apartments every year.
Several years ago Degel HaTorah set up Binyan Shalem, whose
aim is to initiate building projects for the entire spectrum
of the chareidi population. Thousands of apartment units in
Jerusalem, Beitar Illit, Beit Shemesh, Modi'in Illit and Elad
have been sold through the organization.
In these apartments emphasis is placed on quality
construction, a wealth of technical specifications, low
prices, high ecological standards and vigilant involvement in
promoting the construction of public facilities, parks and
Degel HaTorah accompanies purchasers from start to finish,
from the initial planning phase, through development and
construction and until the keys are handed over. Assistance
is provided to both the contractor and the apartment
purchasers, and this involvement has such an impact it can
even lead to the reduction of debts, etc. The many purchasers
express their satisfaction with their new neighbors, as well,
who are well suited to them in terms of character and
The issue of add-on building is also given high priority. The
public can take advantage of a wide range of information,
including explanations of special concepts and terminology
used in the field.
Due to the large demand for information in this area the
bureau decided to expand its legal consulting services.
Attorney R' Reuven Dobrovitzer, the adviser on general legal
matters, will now be joined by Degel HaTorah representative
Attorney Rabbi Shlomo Malik, a member of the city management
who specializes primarily in real estate law and is very
knowledgeable in the area of construction.
Rabbi Malik agreed to answer questions at the bureau by
appointment. Degel HaTorah's Jerusalem directors say they are
pleased with the new arrangements and hope the boost in
manpower through the addition of Rabbi Malik will enhance
communication with the municipality in the area of