Beis Din Hagodol Representatives to Dayan Selection
Committee Named
by Betzalel Kahn
Beis Din Hagodol dayanim, HaRav Chagai Izrar and HaRav
Shlomo Ben-Shimon have been selected to serve as members of
the Dayan Selection Committee.
Members of the committee include representatives from the Bar
Association, the government, the Knesset, the two Chief
Rabbis and two representatives from Beis Din Hagodol.
One year ago the committee appointed Dayan Izrar to the
Rabbinate's Beis Din Hagodol following an ongoing struggle
against various figures seeking to block his appointment, but
eventually he was supported by an absolute majority. This
week he was almost unanimously selected as the Beis Din
Hagodol's representative to the selection committee along
with Dayan Ben-Shimon.