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"R' Moshe." The very name conjures up a smile. The Rebbe who
molded so many, whose warmth and vitality endeared him to
all; Master of the human psyche, father to the orphaned both
in flesh and spirit, beloved by pupils and peers alike; An
educator in every sense of the word. Who was this great
R' Moshe Schwab was born in Frankfurt-am-Main on the 15th of
Nisan 5677 (1917) to R' Yehuda (Leopold) and Hanna Schwab
(nee Erlanger) in a home that was imbued with a great love of
Torah and chessed, a home that produced five worthy
sons, three of whom later became gedolei Yisroel.
It was unusual indeed that R' Moshe, a product of German-
Jewish society, was sent to learn in Lithuanian style
yeshivos. But he had been preceded in this path by his elder
brothers: R' Shimon who had learned in the yeshivos of Telz
and Mir, and R' Mordechai who followed suit.
R' Moshe learned first in Kaminetz under the tutelage of R'
Boruch Ber Leibowitz and then in Baranovitch under R'
Elchonon Wassermann, where he became extremely close to, and
was greatly influenced by, the mashgiach, R' Yisroel
Yaakov Lubchansky.
During his last year in Baranovitch, R' Moshe went to ask R'
Yisroel Yaakov where he should spend Elul. He advised him to
go to the Mir (even though he himself was a Novardoker),
since he would be better off there. Indeed, although R' Moshe
was only there for a very short while, the time that he spent
in the Mir, that included the last Elul of R' Yeruchom's
life, affected all of the many sichos that he would
later deliver.
Whilst still a bochur in yeshiva, a gifted friend once
informed him that he was leaving yeshiva to go to work. R'
Moshe wished him hatzlochoh and returned to his
Later, upon reflection, he recalled the ma'amar Chazal
which says: "Whoever leaves You (Hashem) leaves life." Then
he realized that his friend was literally leaving his Life
Source and he had just casually wished him hatzlocho.
He ran back and explained this with all of its
ramifications, leaving his friend so overwhelmed by his
concern that he stayed and eventually became a greatly
admired rosh yeshiva.
When his parents were forced to leave Germany and move to
England, they let R' Moshe make his own decision regarding
his future. On Simchas Torah the decision was made. This was
a day of great spiritual his'orerus in the Mir, when
R' Yeruchom would honor each talmid with the
opportunity to hold the sefer Torah. When his turn
came, he held onto it with all of his might and made a
resolution that he would henceforth devote his entire life to
Any doubts that might have remained were completely resolved
shortly after Simchas Torah. As he attempted to compose a
letter to his parents informing them of his decision, he was
interrupted by a knock at his door. Upon answering it, he
found himself being addressed by one of the venerable
talmidei chachomim of Baranovitch, who had travelled
specifically to deliver an important message to him.
It seems that this man had had a recurrent dream, in which he
was instructed by an elderly man, to tell Moshe Schwab;
"Mashiv Horuchniyus uMorid Hagashmiyus" (He raises the
spiritual and lowers the material). This was a play on the
words that we begin saying on Shemini Atzeres (the day before
Simchas Torah in chutz la'aretz), when we praise
Hashem for bringing rain. Moshe asked for details as to the
appearance of the elderly person in the dream, but the man
didn't know who he was. However, when he was shown a
selection of photographs, he picked out R' Avrohom Erlanger --
grandfather of R' Moshe!
In 5698 (1938), R' Moshe returned to Kaminetz, but due to his
being a German citizen he was given orders to leave the
country. So began his move to England, where he would remain
for the rest of his life.
To England
On arrival in London, he learned at R' Schneider's Yeshiva
where he undertook to raise the level of learning to that of
those he had just recently left. In this vein he set up
chaburos together with a friend to discuss the
gemoras they were currently learning. He also
circulated his notes of R' Boruch Ber's shiurim in
He also did not neglect the physical needs of his fellow
bochurim, who were typically joining the yeshiva as
refugees and were often penniless. He set up a student aid
fund to collect and purchase clothing for them. (This was
known as a TAT -- an abbreviation for Tomchei Torah --
probably the first of its kind in England.)
When war broke out, he was interned on the Isle of Man, once
more due to his German citizenship. Yet again, he did not
neglect the needs of the time and set up a yeshiva with great
emphasis on hasmodoh. He delivered shiurim
based on those of his great rebbe, R' Boruch Ber.
As soon as he could, he left those parts and returned to his
parents in London where he was privileged to save their lives
from the bombs that were falling during that time in the
following manner. On his return, his parents expressed their
concern about their personal belongings, which would be open
to looters if they went into a bomb shelter. R' Moshe made a
quick decision and began to arrange their possessions bit by
bit and carried them all down to the shelters. Only when all
was safely put away did he invite his parents to join him,
which they then did wholeheartedly.
Incredibly, only a short time later a bomb flattened the
entire house that they had only recently evacuated. In the
zchus of his perfect mitzvah of Kibbud Av
vo'Eim, they were all saved.
His next move was to Letchworth, where he met R' Dessler, who
asked him to join him in his new kollel in Gateshead.
This was a calling which R' Moshe gladly accepted, despite
his unmarried status.
A Beginning in Gateshead
This was the beginning of a new era, when R' Moshe rose to
the call of the hour and became the beloved mashgiach
Of the world-famous Gateshead Yeshiva, to whom so many of
today's Torah personalities are indebted. In addition, R'
Moshe joined the hanholoh of the renowned Gateshead
Seminary where he delivered rousing and inspirational
shiurim. He believed in the importance of educating
girls who would feel privileged to marry bnei
He became very close to R' Dessler, and absorbed his
teachings and entire way of life. The feeling was mutual, as
is evident from a letter sent to him by R' Dessler asking him
to find him a room for the night, in which he wrote: "If you
do not manage, I will stay with you and rest on your chair,
as I would rather sit in a chair and talk with you than have
a bed with many pillows."
In 1942 he met and married his Rebbetzin -- Rochel Baddiel
tblc"t -- daughter of the late R' Dovid Baddiel one of
the founding members of the Gateshead Kehilla, in what may
have been the first kollel wedding in England. R'
Dovid was referred to by R' Elchonon Wassermann as, "der
kleiner Chofetz Chaim,' after his having met him on a
visit to Gateshead.
There is a famous story told about the bridge between
Newcastle and Gateshead. Every Friday, R' Dovid would pay the
toll keeper a few copper coins so that he would allow any Jew
who needed to pass over the bridge to do so on Shabbos
without paying the toll. It happened that a man crossed over
the bridge whilst smoking a cigarette on the holy day,
expecting to do so without paying. The toll keeper called
out: "Mr Baddiel didn't pay for the likes of you. He only
does so for those who keep the Sabbath and you're
On Purim night before R' Dovid was niftar, he suddenly
called out, "Avrohom, Avrohom," after not having spoken for
several days. When his sons-in- law asked what he was
referring to, he murmured in a trance-like voice: "Avrohom
Ovinu, Avrohom Ovinu!"
R' Moshe only agreed to leave kollel to become
Mashgiach after consulting with three prominent
gedolim: R' Dessler, R' Yechezkel Abramsky and R' Elya
He joined the Yeshiva in 1946. There were a mere sixty
pupils. The concept of staying in a yeshiva for a long period
of time was almost unknown to these boys and likewise to
their parents, who were eagerly awaiting the day that their
children would join the workforce. It was, then, the
difficult task of the roshei yeshiva -- and particularly the
Mashgiach, R' Moshe -- to engender a love for Torah and its
way of life: to learn, to continue learning and to spread
Torah amongst others.
Despite his young age, he was remarkably successful with his
talmidim. His warmth and openness were the key to his
uncanny ability to sense the true reason behind each boy's
This was particularly evident with regard to those who had
recently arrived from the concentration camps, notably
Thereisenstadt, who boarded at a hostel in Gateshead which
had been set up for them. Many attempts on the part of others
had been rebuffed. But R' Moshe persevered where others had
long given up hope. He nurtured and instilled hope in these
boys who had suffered so much.
When he heard that some of the bochurim were from
Chassidic homes, he would stop by on Friday nights and sing
niggunim with them to remind them of home, thus
penetrating the hard outer shells that they had built to
protect themselves, and giving them a chance to build a
better future. His involvement did not leave them, even after
they had left yeshiva. He helped them arrange marriages, set
up homes and even assisted them in finding a means of
A talmid recalled the time when he was awarded a
monetary prize for excelling in his studies. This talmid
wanted to learn Torah lishmoh and did not want to
be rewarded for his learning. The Hanholoh member who
presented the prize was taken aback at his refusal to accept
it, as this was something that was unheard of previously. R'
Moshe, with his great intuition, grasped the situation
immediately and advised the bochur to accept the
After the boy left the room, R' Moshe met him outside and
then explained to him that it would not have been right to
embarrass a member of the Hanholoh, despite his honorable
intentions. However, since he did not want to accept the
money and wanted to learn lishmoh he should give the
money to him and he would distribute it to the tzedokoh
of his choice. The talmid responded that it made
no difference which tzedokoh it went to, as he wanted
nothing to do with the money.
R' Moshe opened his frock coat and contemplated in which
pocket to place the money. On seeing this, the bochur
respectfully asked what each of the four pockets was used
for. R' Moshe replied that one was for hachnosas
kallah and one was for needy families -- and then he
stopped in mid- sentence and would not continue any further.
The boy remains inspired to this day by the fact that every
pocket was used for a mitzvah and that no one would ever have
known about it had he not chanced to find out via this
incident. This talmid is one of the leading
philanthropists in the English community today who supports
many Torah institutions -- and he still learns Torah
lishmoh as his Rebbe inspired him to do.
Many talmidim were wont to say that they felt closer
to R' Moshe than to their own fathers, for they could confide
in him freely and his manner towards each pupil was that of,
"Chanoch lana'ar al pi darko." He was never judgmental
and would guide them gently rather than forcefully.
This was evident from an anecdote related by one of his
talmidim who was a senior bochur in yeshiva,
when he decided to skip mussar shmuess one morning and
took some younger boys with him to play football. On his
return, he attempted to re-enter the yeshiva via a different
entrance. Imagine his surprise at finding himself face to
face with none other than the Mashgiach himself!
Aware that it was bad enough to have skipped the shmuess,
and even worse to have set such a bad example to these
younger boys, he waited in trepidation to hear what R' Moshe
would have to say. His surprise was even greater on hearing
the Mashgiach's response: "If you are in need of exercise,
then play a gentleman's game like cricket, but don't play
football for that belongs to the gentile world." This reply,
soft-spoken and with a total lack of anger, left an
impression on this talmid that remains to this day.
Yet another incident is told of this genuine understanding
that every person is different and cannot be made to fit into
a pre-shaped mold. A lady had a son who wanted to learn in
yeshiva, but he also wanted to be able to take along his
guitar. No yeshiva at the time was willing to accept him with
his guitar, but when R' Moshe heard this he agreed for him to
come to Gateshead. Upon his arrival, R' Moshe showed him to
the beis hamedrash and said, "This is where we
Then he took him to a small side room elsewhere and said,
"And this is where you can play your guitar!"
A talmid who arrived in Gateshead from overseas
relates that he owes his current career in chinuch to
his Rebbe. When he was tested initially, he was not
proficient in learning gemora. Yet when R' Moshe gave
him a farher some time later, he sat back in amazement
stating that he would not have believed it possible for him
to have become so well-versed in such a short time.
In retrospect this talmid says that really he could
not learn so well yet, but the encouragement given at this
farher by R' Moshe boosted his confidence and inspired
him to continue with his studies and helped him to become the
great educator that he is today.
R' Moshe was a great ba'al bitochon and his constant
smile encouraged even the most depressed in spirit. When his
mother was seriously ill, he asked his son to join him one
Shabbos afternoon in saying Tehillim for her recovery.
When it came to LeDovid Hashem Ori and the words,
Kavei el Hashem, he repeated them over and over, his
eyes welling with tears. At the end of Shabbos they received
the good news that she had taken a turn for the better and
she lived for another eighteen months!
On Purim each year, he would sing, "Ivdu es Hashem
Besimcha," for great lengths of time for, as he was wont
to say, only when one has immersed himself in that
niggun can he become truly inspired.
His sense of love for his fellow Jew extended even to those
who were totally unaffiliated. If he would see someone who
looked Jewish as he was out walking, he would engage him in
conversation and try to kindle a spark in his heart. On one
occasion when this occurred in a town not far from Gateshead,
the man with whom he had been speaking about earlier times
suddenly changed direction when they finished speaking. When
questioned about this, he replied that he had been on his way
to a treife restaurant but found that he could not
continue there after speaking with R' Moshe!
A bochur who had been a mechalel Shabbos was
accepted to the Yeshiva and became a great lamdan due
to the Mashgiach's hashpo'oh. Subsequently he served
as a rosh kollel!
His non-judgmental attitude was the secret of his success and
often achieved far more than severe words would have. His
talmidim attest to the fact that he was truly a master
of human nature. This was apparent in an incident that
occurred when R' Leib Gurwicz, the rosh hayeshiva, used to
give the fifth shiur.
R' Leib had a very mild and pleasant personality and yet the
bochurim were in awe of him. A bochur once
approached R' Moshe after learning at the Yeshiva for only
one month and informed him that he was leaving because he had
no chavrusa and wasn't happy there. R' Moshe put his
head in his hands, thought for some time and then said: "I'll
ask R' Leib not to say, `Zog iber' to you."
The bochur remarked after this meeting that he felt
that the Mashgiach had taken a weight off his shoulders as he
knew what was really bothering him without being told.
In another incident a bochur mentioned to R' Moshe
that he had a ta'avoh to watch television at home
during bein hazmanim. R' Moshe advised him to conquer
the yetzer hora in a roundabout way and treat it as
muktza. He would not be allowed to touch it or to
change channels. If it was on when he came in, he would be
allowed to watch it, but only if someone else was present and
he was never allowed to put it on himself. Sure enough, the
bochur eventually gave it up completely.
He was honest with his own avodas Hashem and often
mentioned points to the bochurim which he had worked
on at various times. He once told them that a rich girl had
been suggested to him as a possible shidduch. Although
nothing came of it, it helped him to make a decision that if
he were ever to become rich, he would take it upon himself
never to sit on a chair with a back!
Incidentally, it may be noteworthy to mention here, that his
father R' Yehuda (Leopold) davened that he should
never have the yoke of wealth, something which shows the
strength of his personality. With such aspirations, it is not
surprising that he was blessed with children who were
gedolei Yisroel.
When his father was niftar, the family asked the
Chazon Ish (who was niftar within the same year in
1953), whether he should be buried in Eretz Yisroel. He
responded, "Tzaddikim yesh lohem menuchoh beChutz
He was the quintessential ba'al bitochon and although
as a mashgiach he carried the problems of three
hundred boys on his shoulders, he was not a troubled or
worried person. On the contrary, his face always wore an
encouraging smile and his greetings warmed the hearts of
A bochur once came to R' Moshe and informed him
excitedly that he had just become a chosson. R' Moshe
congratulated him in his usual warm manner and then asked him
whether he had purchased a present for the kallah. The
boy did not respond, from which R' Moshe deduced that he did
not have the means to do so. He directed him to a well-known
jeweler, instructed him to choose a gift and to put it on his
His talmidim put out a sefer that was a
collection of his shmuessen called Ma'archei
Lev. This totaled four volumes, three of which focus on
moadim and one of which is al haTorah.
When it came to standing up for the emes, R' Moshe was
not afraid to state his opinion, as is evident when he
attended a conference of rabbis where a speaker made a
statement that was contrary to Chazal. R' Moshe stood up,
pounded on the table and quoted the ma'amar Chazal,
saying later that if Chazal are contradicted, one must
protest and if the statement is made publicly, it must be
decried in public too.
Likewise, whilst collecting for the yeshiva, he once found
the door slammed in his face, an occurrence which found him
in a nearby phone-box, calling the homeowner concerned to
explain that such an action was not correct and showed a lack
of respect for Torah. He returned to the house, was greeted
warmly and received a sizable donation.
Chinuch in the Family
Despite being an extremely busy person, occupied with matters
of the klal for most of his waking hours, R' Moshe was
very much a family man. His daughter recalls the wonderful
Shabbos experience which they were privy to each week.
Each Friday night he would climb onto a chair behind the
door, using it as his stage, with dolls as puppets, to teach
them the sedrah and also as an educational medium to
relay any lesson which he felt they needed to hear. This
indirect method of teaching was very powerful and its effects
are felt to this day. His eldest daughter tells of the time
when she was permitted to stay up and watch her father being
ma'avir Sedrah at the age of six or seven. Her task
was to turn the pages of the Chumash when necessary
and to keep pace with her father to ensure that they were
turned at exactly the right moment. The excitement that this
engendered has remained with her all these years.
He would carry each child from the kitchen up the stairs each
Friday night, whilst singing, "Lecho Hashem hagedula
vehagvura," thus making this weekly bedtime into a
cherished experience, as each child eagerly awaited his or
her turn.
A child recalls one time when, at the age of sixteen, she
wanted to read a book that had recently been published and
was widely acclaimed by all. As it was not yet available at
the local library, she placed her name on the waiting list
and eagerly scanned the mail each day, awaiting the news of
its arrival. The day that it appeared in their post box, R'
Moshe happened to retrieve the day's mail.
Approaching her with the library notice card, he said simply:
"I know that I cannot forbid you from reading it, because if
I do, you will read it under your pillow or elsewhere.
However, I trust you that you will not read it because you
know that it is full of unsuitable material."
His daughter proudly states that she did not read the book --
not for lack of interest but purely because of her father's
statement of trust. He was a mechanech par excellence,
knowing that if he had forbidden it, his comments would have
been totally ineffective. By placing the ball in her court,
he achieved the desired effect!
Until this day, this has proved to be the most effective
educational tool in the chinuch of her children and
has been implemented by her, time and again.
On Pesach night before the Seder, R' Moshe would prepare
explanations on the Haggodoh for his children. He would tell
them: "I want you to feel as though you actually went out of
When singing Hallel, he said it so loudly that it
seemed as though every bone in his body were crying out. It
was literally as though his soul were leaving his body.
A daughter reminisces about her teenage years when she was
alone at home and the doorbell rang. Absorbed in her book,
she conveniently ignored the interruption and continued her
reading. Upon her father's return, he asked if anyone had
rung. Sheepishly, she admitted that someone had and that she
had not responded. His only response was: "Maybe it was
Eliyahu Hanovi."
Once again the message struck the right chord and was well
received without confrontation. What a profound lesson in
His father, R' Yehuda (Leopold), once punished one of his
sons by withholding his customary jam at breakfast the next
morning. When they were all seated, he removed the jam from
the table. The other children expressed their dismay at
having to suffer as a result of their brother's misdemeanor.
Their father wondered how they could eat jam in front of
their brother who had to forgo it as a punishment.
His home was always busy. He had very little time for himself
-- a fact which led one of his family to ask: "Don't they
even give you two minutes to eat?"
His response was characteristic of his selfless nature: "And
if you knock on Hashem's door and beg for your needs, don't
you want Him to be available at all times?"
R' Moshe's daily schedule was rigorous. It began at 5.30 a.m.
with a kvius which he had with a member of the
Kehilloh. This was maintained for some twenty-five
years. He also had an evening kvius devoted to
talmidim who needed special attention, e.g. bringing a
bochur up to par.
He delivered a morning shiur on gemora using
the methodology of R' Elchonon Wassermann, R' Chaim Brisker
and R' Boruch Ber. He would deliver a shmuess three
times a week to a different class each time. He conducted a
daily vaad, focusing on different topics of
hashkofoh. He returned home between 2 and 2:15 p.m. at
which time the vaadim would commence, followed by
private counselling sessions with boys. In the evening he
would return home between 8:45 and 9 p.m. He began preparing
the next day's shiur at 9.15 p.m. At 11 p.m. his
chessed program would commence and continue for many
long hours. This was often resumed pre-dawn.
Whilst walking between home and the Yeshiva, he would repeat
tractates of mishnah that he had committed to
He never refused a mitzvah that came his way and held this as
his credo. He strongly believed that if one acts lesheim
Shomayim, he is endowed with siyata deShmaya to
see it through to its completion. He often said that the less
one talks about what he is doing the better, because as soon
as one feels ga'avoh (self-importance), he loses all
of his zchusim. He truly practiced what he
When asked why he displayed so many photographs of his
children and grandchildren in his home, he replied that he
wanted to be constantly reminded of the blessings Hashem had
sent him. Indeed, at each of his children's weddings he
opened his address with the words: "Mo oshiv
Three weeks before his petiroh, he was diagnosed with
a serious illness. His situation deteriorated rapidly to
everyone's shock and dismay -- and yet R' Moshe remained the
same ba'al mussar as ever, greeting every visitor to
his hospital bed, with his warm, all-embracing smile.
Even in his final days when he could barely see, he asked the
identity of each person, wanting to thank them personally for
coming. He left this world as he came, with a shem tov,
all-abiding love for his fellow man and constant
gratitude to his Creator for all the good He had bestowed
upon him.
Truly a living mussar sefer.
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