Yankel was obviously displeased. Yankel, or as he is now
called R' Yankel, is a fresh member of the kollel
having married not long ago. He just overheard R' Eliyahu
telling another member of the kollel that next
zman they will be learning Chulin with an
emphasis on halochoh lema'aseh in matters of bosor
becholov and ta'aruvos. Yankel couldn't conceal
his disappointment and decided to bitterly complain to his
friend Eliyahu:
"Why can't we learn a yeshivishe masechta packed with
lomdus? Chulin and Yoreh Deah will
really take away from my being stimulated to learn and my
enthusiasm! Imagine how difficult it will be to go through
gemoras based only on highly unfamiliar
halochos, and long, intricate commentaries in Yoreh
Deah that take for granted I have a good knowledge of all
the many fundamentals of these subjects."
"Don't worry, Yankel. Just the right sefer has been
recently published for you! Sha'arei Daas on bosor
becholov and ta'aruvos will make you feel that you
are learning Noshim or Nezikin."
What indeed is unique about this sefer?
HaRav Eliezer Ben Porat covers the main topics of issur
veheter one by one, explains them well, cites the
different shittos, and goes into them in depth.
Needless to say this will be of great interest to those
talmidei chachomim already proficient in these
halochos; they will find in Shaarei Daas unique
definitions, fine distinctions and topnotch chidushei
But even if you never learned these subjects, if it is the
first time you have ventured out of Noshim and
Nezikin, with this sefer you will not have any
trouble in comprehending the topics treated in Chulin
and immersing yourself in them.
Shaarei Daas, meaning gates of wisdom, puts the
yeshivishkeit back into these subjects. If you are
looking for the famous R' Chaim on taam ke'ikar, notes
about the R' Shimon on bitul berov, questions on the
R' Elchonon on heter beheter, an analysis of the R'
Shmuel on heter mitztareif le'issur, or a new way of
understanding the Chazon Ish on chatichah na'aseis
neveilah, you will be simply delighted to find them in
this sefer.
Chaburos will be easier to prepare with such an expert
mentor at your fingertips, and one's rischa de'Oraisah
and full engrossment in the sugyos will be greatly
This 289-page sefer, in which appear enthusiastic
approbations of eminent roshei yeshiva, ends in a detailed
index according to the Shas, Shulchan Oruch and
Poskim, and a separate index according to subjects to
enable one to quickly find what he is seeking.
Doubtless, with HaRav Porat's sefer our R' Yankel will
feel when learning Chulin as if he is back in the
yeshiva, and at the end of the zman will be well-
versed in its halochos and lomdus.