Our Children are Our Future
Demography is in the news, and demography is driving the news
these days. Ehud Olmert, Minister of Industry and for many
years referred to as one of the Likud "princes" since he is
the son of a famous Likud politician, shocked both the Right
and the Left when he proposed to withdraw from the areas
where there are concentrations of Arab populations in Yehuda
and Shomron.
How It All Started
by Rabbi Shmuel Globus
What brought the Chashmonaim to rebel against the Greeks?
What was the final straw? In the Yotzros prayer for
Chanukah, for both the first and second Shabbos, it is
recounted how the rebellion against the Greeks began at the
wedding of the daughter of Mattisyohu the Kohen Godol.
She went among the guests immodestly, with uncovered hair.
The Mitzva of Ner Chanukah -- a Most Dear Mitzva!
by HaRav Avrohom Chaim Brim, ztvk'l
A selection of Divrei Torah from the pure cruse of oil, to
warm the hearts, from the light of the holy Menorah
Secularism's Final Throes
by Rabbi Moshe Sheinfeld, zt'l
The issues dealt with here by Rabbi Sheinfeld are those of
Chanukah, since the secular Jews are really the
representatives of the alien Greek culture as it has become
I Have A Dream
by Rabbi Avi Shafran
I have a dream.
Really. Rutgers University professor of sociology Chaim
Waxman said so.
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