This year Hadras Yerushalayim has opened a yeshiva ketanoh
and a yeshiva gedoloh in Beitar Illit. Under the
leadership of HaRav Chaim Ackerman, the new mekomos
Torah have achieved a tremendous momentum and visitors
have been quite impressed. The Hadras Yerushalayim
Institutions are under the overall management of Rav Sholom
Wilensky and Rav Uri Zohar.
Bochurim from all over Israel came to join the new
yeshiva in Beitar and, judging from the quality of the new
core, the developed results promise to be outstanding.
Plans for the new Hadras Yerushalyaim campus in Beitar Illit
include a beis medrash, kitchen and dormitory
facilities, as well as a dining room. Construction has
started and is proceeding vigorously. The concrete shell of
the first-stage wing of four stories is already complete.
The Hadras Yerushalyaim network now serves around 1,000
students, and it is growing fast. Its cheder, Zichru
Toras Moshe, has sparked a revolution in its level of
achievements, spawning more than a dozen independent schools
in Israel and America applying its techniques of review and
student satisfaction. More than 600 youngsters, kein
yirbu, now learn in its classrooms. Its graduates, going
on to the best yeshiva ketanos in Israel, have
typically mastered Chumash, Neviim Rishonim, Neviim
Acharonim, at least half of Shas Mishnayos as well
as around 100 dapim of gemora.
The three Hadras Yerushalyaim kollelim provide 100
young Torah scholars with an opportunity for advanced
The Choshen Mishpot Kollel is breaking new ground in its
standards for dayanim, having a program of more than
10 years for a thorough study of the laws of damages and
selective entry process, maintain a high level of
Hadras Yerushalayim also has a kollel oriented towards
practical halachah, and a special program designed for
advanced baalei teshuvoh.
The established yeshiva gedoloh and yeshiva
ketanoh in Yerushalayim together have more than 175
students. The new and separate programs in Beitar Illit have
already attracted 50 students.
Beitar Illit is a young, dynamic town that is growing very
fast. Last year it grew by 16.5 percent to 20,200 residents.
Forty percent of this growth was from births. Almost half of
the residents are school age children. Beitar now has almost
10,000 youngsters in its schools, kein yirbu.
With its new campus planned to include shuls and other
facilities for the surrounding community, the Hadras
Yerushalayim institutions in Beitar Illit will be building a
Torah community in Israel that will likely be a great center
in only a few years. If you want to be a part of this,
contact Hadras Yerushalayim, 11 Malachi Street, POB 5656,
Jerusalem. Tel: 972-2-538-0203. Fax: 972-2-538-0622.