Forms on Yeshivos Gedolos and Kollelim Due
By Betzalel Kahn
Recently yeshiva managers took part in two working meetings
with chareidi MKs and Betzedek Director Attorney Rabbi
Mordechai Green at the offices of the Association of Yeshiva
Managers. During the meetings they were presented with
various problems associated with the fact that the Education
Ministry, with all of its various departments, has no single
body or department designated to handle matters related to
the country's 220,000 yeshiva students, who were handled by
the Religious Affairs Ministry until recently. Since no
directives have been provided regarding filling out the forms
for the 5765 school year the bimonthly payments may not be
transferred in a timely, orderly manner for several months.
Discussions focused on the issue of the Ministry's demand to
submit the form for reporting the type of students enrolled
and the study times for avreichim and yeshiva students
over the age of 18 by Wednesday, 8 Elul. Aspects of that
information were considered problematic. Following a round of
legal consultations and based on directives by gedolei
Yisroel the Association of Yeshiva Directors prepared a
set of recommendations on how to fill out the form, which
must be sent in by registered mail only. A copy of these
recommendations is available from the Association.