Kol Hadaf Information Center for Vacationers
by Betzalel Kahn
As bein hazmanim approaches Kol Hadaf has decided to
set up a center to provide information on Daf Yomi
shiurim and bein hazmanim yeshivas in locations
around Israel in order to help vacationers maintain their
daily learning schedules.
Kol Hadaf has been contacting gaboi botei knesses,
shiur organizers, and directors of bein
hazmanim yeshivas to obtain information on shiurim
and study frameworks. Details including the topic of study,
the time and place, the language of study, the name of the
person in charge and a phone number should be sent by fax to
02-5380267 or left as a voice-message at 02-5383999 ext. 309.
To receive information on available shiurim, call 02-