Degel HaTorah Chairman Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz sent a letter to
the director of Betzedek, Rabbi Mordechai Green, to request
an inquiry into the possibility of a High Court appeal
against the decision by Education Minister L. Livnat to cut
the budget for chareidi kindergartens by 15 percent next
Two weeks ago Rabbi Ravitz raised the issue in the Knesset by
posing a Parliamentary question, to which the Education
Minister replied that since chareidi kindergartens do not
fall under the category of official educational institutions
she is authorized to make such cuts and to prioritize certain
institutions over others.
"Since the decree of having to cut the budget was foisted
upon her she chose to cut `recognized but unofficial'
educational institutions," writes Rabbi Ravitz.
In his letter Rabbi Ravitz also writes that he contacted the
Prime Minister, the Director-General of his office, the
Government Secretary and the Education Minister, but "our
contacts were answered with a show of sympathy to my just
demand, but no action was taken to correct the wrong."
Rabbi Ravitz then asks Attorney Green to weigh compelling the
State to retract the illogical and illegal cut through a High
Court appeal.