Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

24 Cheshvan 5764 - November 19, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network











Learning Mishnayos in Memory of HaRav Shach
by Yated Ne'eman Staff

Two years have already gone by since the petiroh of Rabbenu Hagodol, but many people clearly recall the reverberating words of his will read aloud by HaRav Meir Tzvi Bergman during the levaya. The will was a mussar sefer in and of itself, articulating the great spirit stirring within the "Minister of Torah" and the leader of our generation as well as the love of Torah ablaze in his heart and the yiras Elokim which encompassed his very being at a level beyond our conception.

The closing phrase, heard by multitudes of Beis Yisroel sobbing bitterly, was a testament to the tremendous love and affection he felt toward his many talmidim: "Haporesh mikem be'ahovoh . . . " ("Parting from you with love . . . ").

In the main part of the will Rabbenu Hagodol asked his talmidim to learn "even a single mishnah" for his neshomoh, adding, "And if I am able to advocate for you I will do so, bli neder."

Last year, on his first yahrtzeit, an important project to immortalize Rabbenu Hagodol was begun. His talmidim conceived of the idea and with the help of generous donors who wanted a share in the merit a special pocket chart was formulated, listing two mishnayos per day for the elevation of Rabbenu Hagodol's pure soul.

The yearlong schedule is printed clearly in a special, compact format intended to serve as a reminder of the daily mishnah study. The chart also includes a column with checkboxes to record progress.

Last year thousands of mishnayos were studied according to the chart, leading toward the completion of an entire seder on HaRav Shach's yahrtzeit. The great zchus accrued through this endeavor is immeasurable, for as gedolei Yisroel zt"l said, learning mishnayos sends "merit packages" to the World Above. On last week's yahrtzeit, Seder Zeroim was completed and besiyata deShmaya Seder Moed will be studied throughout 5764, culminated on the 16th of Cheshvan 5765.

Thousands of Jews--particularly bnei Torah who feel gratitude toward the great genius Rabban Shel Kol Bnei HaGoloh who bore the entire generation on his shoulders-- are now joining this mishnayos study schedule in accordance with the impassioned request in Rabbenu Hagodol's holy will. (To order the special pocket chart call 03- 6193014.)


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