and Family
Keep Smiling
Short inspirational pieces by Avrohom Tzvi Schwartz, Kiryat
Sefer, author of A Handful of Light, Hearts on Fire
and other works on Mussar and Hashkofa
Ups and Downs
We tend unfortunately to compare ourselves to people who have
`more' than we do. At the same time, we turn our eyes away
from those who have less. Now, to look `upward' in this way
may stir us to try harder, to push more stubbornly -- but
there is also a harsh, negative result.
For when we look at those who are `higher' than we are, deep
inside us we think, "How unfair that Hashem gives him or her
so much more -- more intelligence, more charisma, more
wealth, strength, and a better deal in life." Such thoughts
lead us to bitterness and gloom.
Better then that we should `look down' -- at those who have
less than we do. Then we may ask: "Why do I have more? In
what way am I better?"