Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

8 Adar II 5763 - March 12, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network












Amen -- A Small Word with Big Repercussions

"Open the gates and admit the righteous nation which remains steadfast in its faith." Say Chazal, "Do not read `shomrei emunim' but `sheomrim amen.' "

Just before the decree of annihilation was about to be enacted, Mordechai gathered three hundred cheder children and studied Torah with them. The pure `amens' uttered by pure children can save worlds.

The Chaval-Al-Hazman Cheder

by Mordechai Avshilli

Interviewer: Rabbi Yenerkliger, thank you for agreeing to share your views with our readers.

Rabbi Y.: It is an honor and a pleasure.

I: Your cheder is now in its twelfth year. In a few words, can you explain how it is different from other chadorim?

by Sudy Rosengarten

It was Purim.

Trucks with amplified music blaring full blast rolled through Bnei Brak streets. A carnival spirit pervaded. Motorists honked their horns continually as they attempted to get through the surging crowds of masquerading children and adults that made movement impossible. Brides of three and four, some with pacifiers still in their mouths, paraded through the streets holding tightly onto the hands that had dressed them.

CONCEPT: Adding Depth to Children's Drawings
PROJECT: Draw a Megillas Esther for Purim

by Devora Piha


What makes a superlative child's drawing?

The first answer: If your child did the drawing, it is automatically great. The second answer: if the drawing includes the illusion of depth, it is masterful. Depth can include atmosphere, distance and the illusion of space or light. These are all qualities of a good drawing. Depth adds richness and increases the caliber of the artwork.

The Stamp Collector -- A True Story

"One, two, three... twenty-three -- I was to be the twenty- fourth one. Oh, Hashem, King of the Universe, how can I ever thank You and repay You for letting me live? I pledge to do all I can to deserve to be alive."

Your Medical Questions Answered!
by Joseph B. Leibman, MD

We have a letter from Bnei Brak asking two questions. The first concerns tinnitus. Tinnitus is basically activation of the hearing system despite there being no noise at the moment. This means often buzzing or ringing in the ears. This troublesome disease is caused by many factors. The most common remains hearing loss and malfunction that often comes with age. However, this disease is a common component of many tumors, and vascular problems (such as aneurysm) as well. A treatable cause is serous otitis media which is fluid in the eardrum.


On the High Wire
by Ziporah Zien

Such a taut cable! So thick and so strong!
I wonder who fastened both ends!
And how does he balance while walking along
On this narrow and straight
Swaying path, watch his gait,
Swinging both graceful feet as he wends.

What could he be thinking, this man on the wire?
What ever possessed him to try?
What if, in the middle, his body would tire,
And the strength to continue
Would leave every sinew?
Dare he take but a moment to sigh?

Let's ask him, that madman, to tell how he's able!
Perhaps there's a trick in his shoe!
Perhaps he's connected with pulley or cable
To stay straight and tall
With no thought of a fall
Would he think we were fools if we do?

"It's no trick, my dear friends. Come and hear my advice:
I've been doing this year after year.
Every knot is rechecked, not just once, rather twice,
And when mounting this cord
My whole focus points toward
That last spot on the rope without fear.

"As long as I grasp that last dot with my eye
My whole being is fixed on that point.
Equilibrium follows, on which I rely.
No power on earth
Can dissuade or divert
Concentration imbues every joint.
"For I know that each step must be truly in line
On this cable at dizzying height
Should I falter, disaster is not only mine
All the people who stare
While I balance, do care
That I reach that far goal and alight.

"There is one great and single commandment," he said,
"And it helps me each step to align,
`Never look to the right or the left as you tread,'
So I focus my eyes on that far point which lies
On the end of this high tension line.

"And this one steady, unswerving point
Is a constant reminder to me
That unless I engage every joint
And with coordination
Arrive at that station
I'll have missed what I wanted to be!"

Isn't life like a tightrope that's taut
For its happy conclusion depends
On how careful we are, moving on as we ought
Let's avoid all infractions,
And empty distractions,
With seeking intangible ends!

Fellow Jew, do you get the connection?
We are given a path long and straight.
At the end of our lifelong contention
He'll be judging us all!
May not one of us fall
On our way to the heavenly gate.

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