Tehilla Maoz, Hy'd, Library Dedicated in Moreshes
by Yated Ne'eman Staff
The Tehilla Maoz Library, for Moreshes Batya, was officially
dedicated to honor the memory of a young girl who was
brutally murdered at the Sbarro massacre in Yerushalayim 16
months ago.
The students of Moreshes Batya, the post graduation program
of Bais Yaakov Batya in Yerushalayim, sat quietly with
Tehilla's parents, her brother and sister as well as some of
her friends, as the rabbonim spoke about the connection
between Tehilla's death and Akeidas Yitzchok.
HaRav Michael Feder, director of Moreshes Batya, emphasized
that Avrohom Ovinu transmitted the strength to be moser
nefesh to the "genes of all his children because he was
able to overcome the test when Hashem demanded he sacrifice
his only son."
Tehilla's father, R' Yitzchok Maoz, explained that the
meforshim attribute different characteristics "to
Yishmoel and Eliezer, who accompanied Avrohom and Yitzchok
part of the way. Yishmoel symbolized emotion and Eliezer
intelligence. These attributes were, however, insufficient to
overcome this difficult test. They had to remain behind "with
the donkey," while Avrohom and Yitzchok continued. Avrohom
and Yitzchok had emunah and "only with the help of
emunah can one stand such a test. Emotion and
intelligence alone are not enough," said the bereaved father,
who had emigrated to Eretz Yisroel from France.