Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

25 Adar I 5763 - February 27, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family

The Clothing Store

by R' Zvi Zobin

The assistant looked at Mr. Harfwyt again and gave a wry grimace.

"I'm sorry but you have a problem."

Mr. Harfwyt raised his eyebrows in surprise.

"Yes," the assistant continued. "I'm sorry to tell you this but you are too big and your limbs are out of proportion."

He waited a moment to allow his words to sink in. "But don't worry. It's quite common and there is treatment available nowadays."


"Yes. There is medication you can take to shrink your body and if that does not work, you will have to go for a surgical reshape."

"Reshape my body?" Mr. Harfwyt's voice rose an octave.

The assistant sighed with the sigh of infinite patience being pushed past its limit. "What is the problem? Hundreds of people are going for this treatment and the survival rate is higher than for most operations."

Mr. Harfwyt's voice was barely a whisper. "Survival rate? Me? An operation? I'm the wrong size?"

"Oh, no! He's not getting the message. He's going into denial!" The assistant did not feel confident he could handle the situation. "I'm sorry, sir! There are other customers waiting to be served. If you need any more explanation, I suggest you speak to the manager of the store. He is an expert on Anatomical Configurations and he will be able to answer all your questions."

Meekly, Mr. Harfwyt followed the assistant through the carpeted showroom, past rails of black and brown and blue and grey jackets, suits, overcoats and raincoats, past shelves of shirts, underwear, sweaters, scarves, gloves and socks, until they reached the far end of the showroom; up the stairs, down the corridor to a door at the far end bearing the sign MANAGER. The assistant's knock was answered with a muffled grunt from within. He opened the door, led Mr. Harfwyt inside and quickly left, closing the door firmly behind him.

"Yes? How can I help you?" the manager's polite tone was reassuring.

"I... I don't understand what's going on." Mr. Harfwyt haltingly related his story. "I came to your store to buy a new suit and... and... the assistant told me that I am the wrong size... and... and that I will need medication and... perhaps surgery. I've never heard anything like this before!"

"Okay. Let me try and explain the situation to you." The manager offered Mr. Harfwyt a cup of coffee and then continued.

"You see, we process millions of articles of clothing per year through our branches all over the world. Many items we make in our factories and others we buy from other manufacturers. We are, therefore, experts in serving people of varying sizes. Originally, when our first branches opened many years ago, we tried to supply clothing for every customer who came into our store. This forced us to stock a very wide range of sizes which was, of course, very expensive. We had no choice but to pass the costs on to all our customers.

"Research has now shown that people normally grow to a certain size but that some people, through no fault of their own, grow to sizes outside this range; this is known as the Anatomical Extraconfiguration Syndrome, or AES for short. Others become disproportionate in the sizes of their limbs and this is known as the Anatomical Disconfiguration Syndrome, or ADS for short.

"We know realize that trying to accommodate people suffering for AES or ADS imposes a tremendous financial burden on the rest of the population, and clothing suppliers all over the world have agreed that this cannot be justified, neither financially nor morally.

"My assistant probably mentioned to you that nowadays, these conditions can be treated and I would suggest that you consider either medication or surgery. I personally recommend you try the medication first -- but before we continue, if you will care to slip off your jacket and trousers, I will configurize your anatomy and check my assistant's cursory appraisal. He is very experienced, but no one is perfect."

Mr. Harfwyt submissively complied and the Manager took out his collection of metering instruments and began quantifying Mr. Harfwyt's anatomy.

Half an hour later, he put back his instruments. Mr. Harfwyt got dressed and they returned to their seats.

"I'm sorry to have to tell you this, but my assistant was more than right. You are suffering from AES and ADS. You are both outside the norms and you are disconfigured." The manager paused for a moment. "Also, you seem to be suffering from Phalangeal Distorton."

"What is that?" Mr. Harfwyt's voice was barely a croak.

"It means that your fingers are misshapen."

Mr. Harfwyt looked down at his long, thin, tapering fingers. Mr. Harfwyt was an accomplished guitarist and water-color painter. "But... but people have always said that I have artistic fingers!" he protested.

"Mr. Harfwyt, so far as I know, no scientific study has established any connection between the shape of a person's fingers and his artistic abilities. Many artists have normal fingers. Your fingers are 5% longer than the outside limit of normalcy and 7% too thin. Also, your legs are exceptionally long."

"At school, they told me that it was my long legs that helped me become a champion runner." The scene of the ceremony in which he had received a gold medal at the district championship flashed before Mr. Harfwyt's inner eyes.

"That's what they used to say in the old days. As I mentioned before, modern research has not confirmed these allegorical adages. I would strongly suggest that you seriously consider treatment. I will give you a copy of my findings and if you wish to go for a second opinion, you can show them to the doctor."

The manager rose and led Mr. Harfwyt to the door.

That evening, a dark cloud of depression hung over the Harfwyt household. After the children were sound asleep, Mr. Harfwyt discussed the situation with his wife.

"I don't understand what all the fuss is about," protested Mrs. Harfwyt. "So go to a tailor and order a customized suit!"

"I can't do that," Mr. Harfwyt shook his head sadly. "If people see me going into a tailor shop, they will know that I am suffering from AES and ADS. If the word gets around, who will want to marry our children? They will know that their father is a misfit. We have to think of them and their future."

Mrs. Harfwyt thought for a moment. "I have an idea. We can buy a sewing machine and I can learn to sew and I can make your suits for you."

"And if someone asks me where I got my new suit, what can I say? If I tell them my wife made it, they will understand straightaway that I couldn't buy one at the regular store and they will know that I am suffering from AES and ADS and we are back to square one."

They thought again and after a few moments, Mrs. Harfwyt's face brightened. "I have the perfect answer to our problem!"

Next morning, Mrs. Harfwyt went to the store and explained her idea to the manager. "I'm sorry, Mrs. Harfwyt. I appreciate your concern and I can assure you that it bothers us also, but we have already tried your idea. Many years ago, when the problem first became apparent, one of our stores did as you suggest and had a tailor resident to make customized clothing. As you predicted, it enabled misfits to come to the store like anyone else and order their clothing in private. Unfortunately, after a while, word got around that we were catering to misfits and the regular customers stopped coming for fear of people thinking that they were coming for our special program. Another branch had a selection of special- sized clothing hanging on the racks with the regular clothing to save a misfit the embarrassment of having to walk through the store to the tailor, but the same thing happened -- our regular customers started to avoid the store."

That afternoon, Mrs. Harfwyt went to the local library to research the problem. A librarian led her to a whole section devoted to Anatomical Misconfigurations. Mrs. Harfwyt began scanning through the books.

The Quarque Manual of Pediatric Pharmacology explained that the problem was noted two thousand years ago by the Chinese. They standardized the size of feet by binding their children's feet tightly when they were young. The problem seems to affect about 25% of the population. A specific cause for the syndrome has not been isolated. Research seems to link it to hormonal misfunction and there are indications of genetic dependence.

The condition is treated by medication or by surgery. Preferred medication for treating AES is Aesolgin, available as tablets, which is a general size reducer. Specific misdimensioned limbs are treated with Adsocylic Cream which is administered to the designated limb. Both are calcium extractors which reduce the calcium content of bones, causing the bones to contract.

"The most commonly reported adverse effects with these medications affect between 5-12% of the population and include headache, loss of appetite, insomnia, abdominal pain, dizziness and somnolence. Approximately 1-4% of patients require discontinuation of therapy because of the extreme intensity of these adverse effects. The effect of long term administraion has not been determined. Reduced calcium level can prevent the formation of bloodclotting agents and consequent excessive hemorrhaging and there have been reported incidences of bleeding to death. Advisedly, treatment should be initiated after the person has reached his terminal physical development, usually between the ages of 18-20."

Mrs. Harfwyt made a photocopy of the page and took it home to show her husband.

[Can you guess what Rabbi Zobin is driving at? Final part next week.]


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