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Recently a reception was held in the Yetev Lev Hall, Stamford
Hill, in honor of Shearis Yisroel. The reception was
organized by extremely dedicated askonim, consisting
of Reb Shlomo Zalman Kraus (nephew of rosh beis din of
Manchester, HaRav Gavriel Kraus), Reb Rephoel Eckstein and
Reb Shraga Posen, both of Williamsburg, New York, and was
graced with the presence of Rav Aharon Leib Berger who
(together with his esteemed Rebbetzin) is responsible for
running the yeshiva/school, the newly flourishing kehilla,
including the soup kitchen, mikva, chevra kadisha
and all aspects of Yiddishkeit in the Korestein of the
Former Soviet Union.
Chairman Reb Shloime Hersh Shtauber spoke of the extremely
important work being undertaken across the former Soviet
Union in general and Korestein in particular. When
introducing the first speaker -- Reb Rephoel Eckstein -- the
Chairman expounded on the way in which a handful of
askonim had achieved so much in so little time.
Reb Rephoel Eckstein, together with his partner Reb Shraga
Posen, gave a report on the way in which the yeshiva has had
an impact on the town in general and on its talmidim
and their families in particular. He explained that
following the accepted methodology in the former U.S.S.R.,
children are first encouraged to attend summer camps. The
programs are exciting and the gashmiyus of a high
standard, so that the parents are quite happy to have their
children attend.
After the camp, many individual children's inner spark of
Yiddishkeit has been kindled and the askonim
are then able to encourage parents to send their children
for a longer spell in the yeshiva.
Reb Rephoel reported on a number of individual cases, telling
his listeners how, step by step, individual bochurim
have come to camp, gone on to the yeshiva, subsequently
gone to America or Eretz Yisroel, married and have built a
bayis ne'emon beYisroel. One such case is Rabbi Yosef
Shkolnik, who not only followed the normal pattern, but came
back to the Ukraine and now heads a similar organization as
rabbi of Chelminitzki.
Various mohelim from the UK have been in Korestein to
carry out brisos, including Dr. Sifman, Reb Shmuel
Gavriel Gluck and Reb Uri Ellinson.
Reb Nochum Mordechai Halpern of Manchester has also been to
Korestein on a number of occasions to perform brisos
on talmidim of the yeshiva and their families and
he related some of his experiences to the packed hall.
He explained what is involved in the bris of a young
adult and how it differs substantially from the bris
of an eight-day-old baby that we are accustomed to. The
practical and halachic differences are extremely
Furthermore, sometimes, one comes across a practical halachic
point that one would not dream of at a conventional bris.
One such case was of a young man who was serving in the
Russian Army had come to have a bris. As soon as the
bris was over -- and before anyone had managed to
organize the brochoh of "asher kidash yedid
mibeten," the nimol had disappeared. Nobody had
remembered to inform him that the ceremony was not yet over!
Can you make the brochoh if the nimol is no
longer there? Subsequently HaRav Nissim Karelitz paskened
that one can indeed make the brochoh, even though
the nimol is not there.
Reb Nochum Mordechai went on to give a number of examples of
the mesiras nefesh of acheinu Bnei Yisroel in
that part of the world. On one occasion he had been asked to
carry out a bris on a four- year-old child lesheim
The story was that the father of the child had come to learn
in Yeshivas Toras Chaim in Moscow (founded by HaRav Moshe
Soloveitchik zt'l), and soon learned that a Yid
may not have a non-Jewish woman for a wife. He turned to
his non-Jewish wife -- as in the days of Ezra -- and told her
that he can no longer live with her; she must go back home.
If she wished to learn all about Yiddishkeit and to be
megayeir, that is up to her.
She indeed left, but she did not return home. Instead she
went to the Seminary in Moscow, where she remained for a
couple of years, learning all about Yiddishkeit. She
subsequently went through giyur kehalochoh and came
back and got married to her former husband kedas Moshe
veYisroel. The new couple were soon blessed with a
daughter. However, they also had a son born before all these
events. This was the four-year-old who was to have a bris
lesheim geirus. This was carried out besimchoh
Later Reb Yisroel Soloveitchik (HaRav Moshe's son) related
the following moving and awe-inspiring story about that
couple. One Shabbos morning soon after they remarried, the
couple came to the rabbonim of the yeshiva (they worked in
the yeshiva), with the following shaaloh: They are now
a fully Jewish couple but they have a young boy who is not
Jewish -- and he has very high temperature. What is the
halochoh? Are they allowed to be mechalel Shabbos to
treat their child?
Another interesting story was the case of a mother who,
having given birth many years ago to a boy and not having the
possibility of giving her son a bris, refused to name
the child after her father because, as she put it, "My father
was a tzaddik and I can't call a child who has not had
a bris with that name."
A further example of the feelings that these Yidden
have for Yiddishkeit, although they are completely
"starved" of ruchniyus, is once when a mother fainted
after her child had his bris. The reason for her
strong reaction was that this mother had undertaken not to
kiss her own baby until he had a bris. She wanted to
make sure that she was constantly striving to have the almost
impossible carried out, i.e. to be machnis her child
bivriso shel Avrohom Ovinu. Once she reached her goal,
she passed out and had to be revived.
R' Nochum Mordechai then encouraged anyone who had the
possibility to visit institutions such as Shearis Yisroel to
do so. He explained how it is absolutely impossible for
anyone to fully comprehend what goes on, on a daily basis in
such places without personally experiencing it. Month after
month, year after year, one can hear the experiences of other
people, but until one has made a visit, one will not
appreciate what is currently being done and more importantly
one will definitely not appreciate how much each individual
can do.
He then went on to try and share with his esteemed audience
the feelings of simchah experienced by the nimolim
when they are zocheh to a bris. Whether an
eight-year-old child, an 18-year- old bochur, or
indeed even a Yid of 60 years, the enthusiasm with which they
jump on the table to carry out the rotzon haBorei is
Very often, we are talking about people who, shortly before,
hardly knew that the Ribono Shel Olom exists. However
as soon their pintele Yid is ignited, their
neshomoh is engulfed and they enthusiastically embrace
their true role and goal in life. Having been forcibly kept
away from Yiddishkeit for 70 years has not dimmed the
inbuilt eternal urge that their cheilek Elokah mima'al
has to go where it belongs.
Daily Chesed
He then related the extremely interesting and unusual
spectacle that takes place in the morning after shacharis
in Korestein. The bochurim of the yeshiva occupy
one half of the beis hamedrash, with many old
Yidden of 70 and 80 years of age occupying the other
side of the beis hamedrash. The young bochurim
have tefillin, but unfortunately not all the older
mispalelim do. After Shemoneh Esrei, these
young 14 and 15-year- olds take off their tefillin,
walk over to the other side of the beis hamedrash,
and literally put their tefillin on these older
Yidden who do not yet know how to do it themselves.
One reflects that the streets of Korestein in Northern
Ukraine, plus dozens and dozens of other towns, at one time
were teeming with tens and even hundreds of thousands of
Yidden amongst whom were many Rebbes, poskim, gedolei
Yisroel, and all of this was extinguished and uprooted by
the Reshoim yimach shemom vezichrom. And then one
witnesses firsthand how Yiddishkeit is once again,
very slowly but very surely, being rebuilt by extremely
dedicated askonim and rabbonim.
A number of weeks ago, Shearis Yisroel was privileged to be
graced with the presence of the Tchernobyler Rebbe at a
Vach Nacht. This was the first time the Tchernobyler
Rebbe had been to the tziyun of his own ancestors in
Chernobyl, which is in the vicinity, and he then came to
Korestein with an entourage of perhaps 50 Chassidim. The
Rebbe spoke about the fact that Yiddishkeit had been
suppressed for all these years and now that the Ribono
Shel Olom had rachmonus, one can see how
Yiddishkeit is returning. It was a unique experience
to see the Tchernobyler Rebbe (who apparently rarely shows
such tremendous emotion in public) actually crying as he was
The Rebbe also spoke about the minhag of saying
Krias Shema at a Vach Nacht. The reason is
because the gemora asks why we say the parsha
of Shema before the parsha of Vehoyoh im
shomo'a. The gemora answers that it is because the
Shema is kabolas ol Malchus Shomayim and this
must precede Vehoyoh im shomo'a which is kabolas ol
mitzvos. In the same way, on the night before the Bris
we say the first parsha of Krias Shema, in
order to be mekabeil ol Malchus Shomayim for the
child, who will tomorrow fulfill the actual mitzvah of a
Bris which is kabolas ol mitzvos.
However in this case, as the bochurim who are going to
have a Bris the next day are not eight- day-old babies
but are old enough to be mekabeil ol Malchus Shomayim
themselves, therefore the Krias Shema of the Vach
Nacht has much more significance. The kabolas ol
Malchus Shomayim at that Vach Nacht was an
experience never to be forgotten.
The guest speaker of the evening was the famous HaRav Shmuel
Dishon. Rabbi Dishon, in his selfless manner, left Brooklyn
motzei Shabbos after speaking at a melave
Malka, straight for the last flight to London to come
speak for Shearis Yisroel. He has constantly and
enthusiastically encouraged and supported the work being done
in the former U.S.S.R. He told the story of real mesiras
nefesh of a mother during the last war, managing to
convince an SS guard yimach shemo vezichro to allow
her to have a knife. All present were convinced that she
wanted to commit suicide and were astounded to see the real
reason for the knife. She took it and opened a bundle she was
carrying and made a brochoh ". . . asher kideshonu
bemitzvosov vetzivonu al haMiloh" and performed the
Bris, saying that, as they were all about to become
korbonos, she wanted to make sure that her little baby
was a kosher korbon.
HaRav Dishon said that we should contemplate that a
substantial proportion of Klal Yisroel today has
parents, grandparents and great-grandparents who originated
in Russia. Those living today in the free world were
zocheh to the Hashgochoh that led their
ancestors to leave the U.S.S.R. in time. Others were not so
lucky. So easily the tables could have been turned and we
could have been there and others could have been in America,
Europe and Eretz Yisroel. How grateful we must be to the
Ribono Shel Olom that our grandparents left and as a
very minimum we should help support the grandchildren of
those who were less fortunate.
Rav Dishon posed a simple question: How is it possible that
the U.S.S.R., one of the mightiest and most feared forces in
the world, crumbled without one shot being fired? The
U.S.S.R. was a country that had military might. With the
exception of the USA, it was better armed probably than any
other country throughout history. In a short time it
disappeared like smoke.
He stated that this is something that is completely shelo
kederech hateva and was only brought about by the
incessant pleading by the neshomos of the grandparents
of present day Yidden in Russia and Ukraine. They
constantly came to the Kisei Hakovod, pleading with
the Ribono Shel Olom to do something about the rapidly
disappearing Yiddishkeit of their descendants. They
said "Ribono Shel Olom, if You don't do something
about it now, there will be no Yiddishkeit left to
With the collapse of the U.S.S.R., pockets of Yiddishkeit
have sprung up in many places. Rabbi Dishon implored and
encouraged the audience to do everything possible to support
and physically help Korestein and all such Torah centers, so
that as many Yidden as possible can be brought back to their
An exhausted but happy Rabbi Dishon left for Heathrow in time
to return to New York for two public lectures scheduled for
him on Monday. May Hashem give him koach to keep
benefiting Klal Yisroel.
The evening was then privileged to hear from a former
talmid of Korestein, Rabbi Yosef Shkolnik, mentioned
earlier in this report. He related how his grandfather had
encouraged him to go to a shul for the first time, a
shul that had been reopened by Rabbi Berger. He went
into great detail of the extreme dedication and enthusiastic
support that Rabbi Berger and his wife gave -- and give --
him continuously until the present. He has turned the full
cycle of coming back to Yiddishkeit and is now in the
privileged position of being able to help others.
It was recognized that the London Yidden packed the hall,
giving of their time selflessly shelo al menas lekabel
A tribute was also paid to Alex Strom and J. Reich who, with
great sacrifice, collect and distribute substantial funds to
support many kehillos in the former U.S.S.R.,
including Korestein.
The audience were given the opportunity of sending a
kvitel to the tziyun of the Valedniker Tzaddik,
HaRav Hatzaddik R' Yisroel Dov ben HaRav Reb Yosef, the
talmid of Reb Mottele Chernobyl zt'l (whose
name "Shearis Yisroel," the yeshiva carries) who was
nistalek on 21st Teves, 5612 (1852). His tziyun
is just outside Korestein, zechuso yogein oleinu.
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