Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

11 Tishrei 5763 - September 17, 2002 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









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Home and Family
The Perpetual Teardrop -- Watershed

The tear was finally rolled down my cheek; maybe it was the other tears waiting behind it. The Rosh Hashona prayers did not allow me to hold back this time. There had been so many, many, many years of trying to have a child, only to bring us the hurtful news. We courageously kept growing somehow, while constantly working hard at convincing ourselves that everything is for the best.

We did not know what effort would have the most effectiveness. Certainly everything was important, the segulos and the medical treatments. Every failure hurt, and there were many such failures, but we were given hope that we should keep trying.

That winter, following the Rosh Hashona prayers that allowed the tear to appear, we were given news of a positive result and finally the day came when our child was finally given to us as a present from Hashem.

Prayers there always are, and always will be. But tears are not always readily come by.

Yet the tear continues to be created. At the birth, it was a restrained joyful tear. Last week, after being asked permission to be the person to return a found jump rope, a tear of relief came to my eye. Singing dayenu together brought a tear of pride. Moreover, the most frequent tear is a result of fear -- what does the future hold for our child? And this tear requires the strongest emuna of all, as everyone surely knows.

We are especially grateful to the shaliach of Hashem, a Rov who gives of his time and expertise to advise childless couples. He has the proper understanding of the halachic stipulations, along with the constantly changing medical treatments.

For those seeking such help, his number is: 02-500- 1501.

I shed a tear recently, before Rosh Hashona, hoping that my prayers on that auspicious day be fruitful. My little one wanted to make me promise that I wouldn't cry again on Rosh Hashona. But who can withhold, who can suppress such effective, priceless pearls of a pleading soul, so welcome when they do appear?

[Ed. I had the privilege of speaking to this Rov who, in his twelve years of counseling, has had the zchus of being a `grandfather' to over 500 children! May they increase!]


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