As the World Turns
Here I was last Friday night, sitting in hospital for my
daughter's operation on her back at 11 p.m., reading the
Yated (down under). I turned a few pages and there was
an article about a brace that my daughter needs to wear now
on her back. The whole family and her friends found it
amazing that this week there was such an article on this
The writer might find this interesting.
Yossi Fromer, Australia
[We wish her a refu'a sheleima meheira!]
"I Awaken at Dawn"
I found this article deeply moving and it filled me with a
longing to be there. Could I ask you to daven for the
restored health of Devora bas Gittel and for Gittel bas
Devora who both need a yeshua.
[Ed. This excerpted letter was supposed to be forwarded to
the Enthusiastic Reader who sent me the article -- but didn't
leave me her name. If she wishes to contact me, I can fill
her in on more details.
In passing, I'd just like to mention that I have gone on this
predawn bus and davened at the Kosel twice so far,
once with several granddaughters who slept over the night
before. No, `slept' is not the word. They stayed up all night
waiting to be awakened up... It was an unforgettable
experience for us all.]
And one on bedwetting:
S.R. writes that a prayer-autosuggestion helps. The child
concentrates deeply before s/he goes to bed and asks Hashem
to help him stay dry. He repeats several times, "I will stay
dry, I will stay dry, b'ezras Hashem." But don't blame
Hashem if there are a couple of unsuccessful attempts,
especially at first.
Good luck.