UTJ-HaShabbos-Agudas Yisroel-Degel Hatorah met last week at
Degel Hatorah's Bnei Brak office to discuss campaign plans
for the upcoming elections. Participants at the meeting
included party candidates Rabbi Yaakov Litzman, Rabbi Avrohom
Ravitz, Rabbi Meir Porush, Rabbi Moshe Gafni, Rabbi Shmuel
Halpert and Rabbi Uri Maklev.
Platform issues were discussed during the course of he
meeting and each MK delivered a report on progress made in
his area of responsibility. Rabbi Litzman, who leads the
party list, presented his work as head of the Publicity
Bureau and discussed progress made in reaching the target
groups. He said UTJ was set to launch its central campaign
slogan and noted that a public relations team has been
working hard on the presentation of the party platform to the
public at large.
Rabbi Litzman said that even those who do not identify with
UTJ recognize it as a party that attends to the needs of its
constituents, represents the underclass and has made
unprecedented legislative efforts on social issues. "The
party's achievements that will be presented to the public
will speak for themselves," he said.
Election Staff Chairman Rabbi Avrohom Ravitz directed the
meeting, providing an overview of the election committee's
progress. He said the campaign staff would soon begin working
out of a rented space designated as campaign headquarters,
concentrating all of the departments in one location to
maximize collaboration and ensure the campaign's success.
Rabbi Meir Porush, in charge of the Election Day staff, said
he has already selected a transportation staff that would do
all in its power to see that the efforts invested into the
campaign would bear fruit on Election Day and that all
eligible voters would turn out at the polls to exercise their
right/obligation to vote.
Staff Organization Chairman Rabbi Moshe Gafni presented a
national breakdown according to districts and sub-districts
as well as small cities and large cities, explaining how
local headquarters would operate in each area, and how they
planned to reach as many people as possible in every locale
to present them with the message of Torah-true Judaism.
Rabbi Shmuel Halpert spoke of the need for cooperation
between all of the various departments to guarantee the
success of the task at hand. He issued a reminder of UTJ's
earnest concern for the weaker classes throughout the past
term and the accusations lodged against the party for showing
such concern.
During the meeting, the modes of operation of all local
headquarters were approved, including the division of
responsibilities and internal cooperation.
Concerns were raised of a very real possibility following the
elections that for the first time ever an entirely secular
unity government could form, a government liable to erase all
of UTJ's achievements. Those present at the meeting noted
that professional pollsters say this time, perhaps unlike
appearances at the beginning of the election campaign, that
the matter will be decided by one or two mandates, or three
at most.
Also present at the meeting were the directors of the various
staff sections and MK representatives.
The meeting was the second time last week that the general
election staff met. The first meeting was held at the Agudas
Yisroel Center to discuss election preparations. During a
meeting of the Information Staff also held last week, party
candidates and the strategic team reviewed various means of
disseminating the party's platform.
A meeting of the Election-Day Staff held on Wednesday brought
together Election Day Chairman Rabbi Meir Porush and
directors of the election-day department in large cities.
Lessons from the previous elections were analyzed and the
directors offered suggestions for the present election