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HaGaon HaRav Mordecai Gifter zt"l, Rosh Yeshivas Telshe And
HaGaon HaRav Ephraim Eisenberg zt"l Yeshivas Ner Yisroel
The Second Yahrtzeit of HaRav Mordecai Gifter zt"l: 23
Two years have gone by since the passing of Rosh
Mishpachteinu, a leader of Klal Yisroel, the
Telzer Rosh Yeshiva HaRav Mordecai Gifter, zt"l. What more
can be said? Yet, one aspect of his life has not been
addressed: his warm and deep relationship with his first son-
in-law, HaRav Ephraim Eisenberg, zt"l, a master
maggid shiur at Yeshivas Ner Yisroel in Baltimore, who
was niftar this past year on 16 Sivan 5762.
My father-in-law, HaRav Ephraim, zt"l, was a talmid
muvhak of HaRav Yaakov Ruderman, zt"l, founder and
rosh yeshivas Ner Yisroel. HaRav Ruderman loved his
prize student and suggested him as a son-in-law to his close
friend HaRav Gifter. After the engagement, HaRav Gifter wrote
a letter to the Steipler, zt"l informing him of the
shidduch. He asked the Steipler to please send a
telegram to the chosson and kalla to give them
a brochoh. The Steipler answered Rav Gifter, "Although
it is difficult for me to stand in line in the Post Office, I
know I am obligated to do so out of respect for Rav Gifter's
greatness in Torah."
The Steipler then wrote a heartwarming brochoh: "May
they be zocheh to a beautiful marriage . . . upright
children . . . good fortune in ruchniyus and
gashmiyus . . . May the chosson . . . grow in
Torah and yiras Shomayim and be marbitz Torah
in Klal Yisroel."
The Steipler's brochoh was fulfilled and Rav Ephraim
zt"l became an exceptional marbitz Torah and
molded hundreds of talmidim in Torah and yiras
HaRav Gifter left a treasure trove of letters written to
HaRav Ephraim's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman (Chaim)
Eisenberg z"l, founders of Torah education in
Hartford, Connecticut. These letters are testimony to HaRav
Gifter's great love of my father-in-law, HaRav Ephraim. In
one letter the Zeide writes: "Ephraim's Torah is of
inestimable value. I consider him a yochid segula b"H
in many respects."
He then relates the following story that has been passed down
for generations in our family. Our great- great-grandfather,
R' Leizer Telzer, married the daughter of R' Avrohom Itzel
Novazer zt"l, a dayan in Kovno. His father-in-
law helped him financially for many years as the family grew.
Once his mother-in-law asked, "How long will we continue to
support him? When will he go out and get a rabbonus?"
Reb Avrohom Itzel answered, "I do not know if he is living
from us or we live from him." Meaning, HaRav Gifter
explained, in the zchus of his learning we live.
The day that Reb Leizer left for his first position as a rov,
his father-in-law passed away. This is our mesorah.
Then he added: "I consider Ephraim's Torah a zchus for
all of us."
This is how the Torah wants us to view our children who are
sitting and learning. We are being sustained by them.
A similar lesson can be learned from the following story I
heard from a close talmid of Maran HaRav Shach,
zt"l. Once a talmid came to HaRav Shach in
despair. Two of his children were suffering from a serious
medical condition. The extreme burden of the situation left
him financially and physically drained. HaRav Shach told him,
"The best chizuk I can give is to tell you a story I
heard from my uncle HaRav Isser Zalman Meltzer zt"l.
One of his disciples in Kletsk had a paralyzed daughter.
The care involved was enormous. Every motzei Yom
Kippur he would go to HaRav Isser Zalman for chizuk --
moral support. Rav Isser Zalman would dance with him, singing
the famous tune of the Vilna Ger Tzedek. One motzei
Yom Kippur the man refused to dance, saying that he could
bear no more. A short time later his daughter passed away,
and it didn't take long before the man died too. Rav Isser
Zalman then pointed out that we never know who is sustaining
whom. This man thought he was supporting his daughter and all
the time his daughter was the one who gave him life."
In another letter the Zeide writes: "I spoke yesterday with
the dear chosson who is so close to my heart, Ephraim,
and I told him that I bought for him a Shas just like
my own, b"H. I told him that all my hopes and
tefillos are that he should become great in Torah
according to the inherent talents that Hashem gave him.
Therefore, I am giving him the materials needed, i.e., all of
Shas, and his job is to simply learn and become a
boki in Shas."
He also writes, "I pray with all my might that our grandson .
. . will grow up to be a gaon and tzaddik, and
that our granddaughter . . . will be worthy to be the wife of
a gaon and tzaddik because that is the purpose
of our being."
In the Zeide's letters we not only see the fervent
tefillos of a grandfather for the success of his
grandchildren, we see the Torah view of a godol --
that the whole purpose of our being is Torah and
From where do these values come? When my father-in-law, HaRav
Ephraim, was maspid the Zeide, HaRav Gifter, he
started with a question that he heard from the Zeide on the
posuk " . . . Amolek came and fought with Yisroel in
Refidim . . . "(Beshalach 17:8). Chazal tell us in
Sanhedrin (106a) that the word "Refidim" is coming to
indicate to us that Klal Yisroel was lax in Torah learning.
The Zeide asks, "How could they be weak in Torah when this
incident took place before the Torah was even given?"
He explains that the period between Yetzias Mitzrayim
and Matan Torah was a time of anticipation for
Kabolas HaTorah. In order to be zocheh to Torah
one must yearn for Torah. One's Torah study must be
accompanied by great enthusiasm, for that is the proof that
the Torah is truly part of him. Klal Yisroel was lacking in
its anticipation for Kabolas HaTorah.
HaRav Ephraim went on to say that with this the Zeide
explains what Tosafos says in Brochos. When one makes
a brochoh in the morning on learning Torah and then
goes out to do his errands, he need not make a new
brochoh upon returning to learn because the errands
are not considered an interruption. The Zeide reasons: by a
ben Torah there is nothing other than Torah.
Everything a ben Torah does (eating, sleeping, etc.)
is for the purpose of returning to the beis
If I may add, the Rambam (Talmud Torah 3) says, "For a
mitzvah that cannot be done by others one is permitted to
leave the beis medrash. After completing the mitzvah
he returns to his studying." The question is, it is obvious
that when he finishes he should return to his learning. Why
does the Rambam need to mention this? The popular answer is
that the Rambam is telling us that the ben Torah's return
is a precondition for the hetter to leave the beis
I think the explanation is deeper, based on the insight
above. The Rambam is telling us that the whole hetter
for leaving the beis medrash is based on the fact
that even when the ben Torah is out, he is constantly
yearning to return. Therefore, his leaving is not considered
an interruption.
My father-in-law's hesped of the Zeide was also, in
effect, a description of himself. Both led a life of
continuous Torah learning without interruption -- a life in
which discontinuity was not possible, because everything was
done for the purpose of returning to Torah study. This is the
family legacy the Zeide zt"l and my father-in-law left
us -- that through striving for Torah comes greatness in
Torah and the understanding of the purpose of one's being.
With enthusiasm for Torah we grow to become fathers who value
sons who sustain the world with Torah learning. It is an
inheritance that is everlasting -- passed on from father to
son to grandson. Ad Bi'as HaGoel. Yehi zichrom
NOT JUST A REBBE: A Tribute to HaRav Ephraim Eisenberg,
zt"l, Yeshivas Ner Yisroel, Baltimore
by his son-in-law HaRav Chaim Charlap
Shortly after Shavuos, the Yom Tov marking the giving of the
Torah on Har Sinai, the Torah world mourned the loss of a
unique marbitz Torah, my father-in-law, HaGaon HaRav
Ephraim Eisenberg zt"l. It was a loss for the Torah
world at large, and particularly for Yeshivas Ner Yisroel
where HaRav Ephraim was marbitz Torah for over 35
A native of Hartford, Connecticut, HaRav Ephraim arrived at
Ner Yisroel as a student in 1957 and soon distinguished
himself for his diligence in the study of Torah. He became a
talmid muvhak of the rosh hayeshiva HaRav
Ruderman, zt"l. HaRav Ephraim was the fulfillment of
the dream and vision of HaRav Ruderman in the founding of Ner
Yisroel -- that American boys could become Torah scholars of
the caliber of the Talmudic scholars of pre-war European
Lithuanian yeshivos.
During and after the shiva, dozens of letters poured
in from talmidim. One talmid wrote, "I recall a
private conversation with Maran the Rosh Hayeshiva Rav
Ruderman, zt"l. He was emphasizing that the real goal
of a yeshiva is to produce an odom godol. He pointed
to R' Ephraim as proof that this goal can be achieved. There
was no mistaking the pride in his voice that he was zoche
to have such a talmid."
Another talmid wrote, "I once told Reb Ephraim, `I'm
an all-American kid. What do I have to do with a life in the
Yeshiva world?' Reb Ephraim answered, `I was also an all-
American kid, and so was my shver. If we did it so can
you.' "
Molding Talmidim
Reb Ephraim molded his talmidim and taught them how to
learn. "Rebbe expected nothing less than 100 percent effort
from all of his talmidim just as he himself gave to
learning Torah.
"He once got very upset in shiur because he felt that
we were not putting in the proper amount of effort. It was
the first time I saw him visibly upset. He said, `Do you want
me to give you the gemora on a silver tray? It won't
mean anything to you if I do that. I want it to become your
Torah and that will only happen if you work on it.' That was
how Rebbe gave shiur -- solely with the needs of his
talmidim in mind. He would go over every stage of the
gemora and explain what problems we ourselves should
have with it. He would very carefully show us how to take
apart a gemora and rebuild it."
"As a talmid in R' Ephraim's shiur I saw every
day the all-consuming ahava he had for Torah. When he
presented a difficulty in a sugya and a bochur
suggested a solution he found favor with, his eyes lit up
with excitement. `Ah, that's very good, that's the pshat
takka; did the oilom hear what he said?'
"You felt a terrific aliya when Rebbi liked what you
had to say."
HaRav Ephraim did more -- he gave over his yiras Shomayim
and ahavas haTorah to his talmidim. The
Zeide, HaRav Mordecai Gifter zt"l discusses the
Mishna in Pirkei Ovos (Perek 5): "Anyone who
acts in three characteristic ways is among the students of
Avrohom Ovinu, and anyone who acts in three opposite ways is
among the students of the wicked Bilom . . . etc. A bad eye,
an arrogant spirit and a greedy soul are the ways of the
wicked Bilom's students."
The Zeide asks, "Must one learn bad traits from the most
wicked person? Bad traits can be learned from anyone. What
then is the proof that one with bad traits is a student of
the wicked Bilom?
"The mishna is not talking about a teacher of bad
traits. Rather, the mishna is speaking of a teacher of
wisdom. Chazal are telling us that it's not enough to learn
Torah from one who knows how to say a good shiur, and
to learn the traits necessary for life from someone else.
This is not possible, for the two are inseparable. When one
learns Torah from a rebbe, the rebbe's whole
life style is transferred to his talmidim, with all
his traits. That is what Chazal are teaching us.
"If we see a student with bad traits, we can be sure he is a
student of the wicked Bilom, because with the wisdom he
acquires the traits of his mentor. On the other hand, if we
see a student with good traits, he must be a student of
Avraham Ovinu."
From the character traits of HaRav Ephraim's talmidim
it is obvious that they are talmidim of Avraham
Ovinu, for Reb Ephraim gave over his whole life style to his
A talmid wrote, "Rebbe not only taught us Torah, he
taught us a way of life. He personified every vort he
told us. I used to wait all week just to be able to go to his
house on Shabbos night to hear how I should live my life and
how I could better myself in my avodas Hashem."
Battling for Growth
On Chanukah HaRav Ephraim taught his talmidim the key
to growth. He asked, "Why in Al Hanissim do we thank
Hashem for the battles (ve'al hamilchomos)? War is
devastating. Why would we give praise to it?
"A person's aliya in ruchniyus is only through
battles and struggles. Without those fights a person would
never grow. That is why we thank Hashem for milchomos --
because only through the milchomos can we
HaRav Ephraim's refrain throughout his illness was, "We have
to give praise to Hashem for every situation because every
opportunity in life is a chance for growth."
HaRav Ephraim taught us never to be content with our growth;
always to strive for more. The medrash says that at
the building of the Mishkan Moshe Rabbenu gave Klal
Yisroel a brochoh that they be free of the
yetzer hora. HaRav Ephraim asked, "Why did Klal
Yisroel need this brochoh at such a moment? What is
the meaning of this yetzer hora?
"The answer is simple. Moshe was afraid that Klal Yisroel
would be affected by complacency. The Mishkan, having
been erected, might cause Klal Yisroel to feel that
their goal had been reached. The yetzer hora wants us
to feel satisfied with what we have accomplished. But we must
strive to go higher and higher. The erection of the
Mishkan should only be used as a stepping stone to
higher achievements."
Never complacent with his accomplishments, HaRav Ephraim
always strove for more. And he demanded this effort from his
children and talmidim.
Surviving in a Working Environment
HaRav Ephraim taught his talmidim not only how to grow
in the beis medrash, but also how to survive in a
working environment. A talmid wrote, "Without a doubt,
the only way that I have been able to survive in a working
environment has been my sedorim around working hours.
I can tell you first hand that Reb Ephraim, zt"l is
very much responsible for the fact that I take my current
sedorim seriously . . . A long work day can tire one
out and make it difficult to learn with the same enthusiasm.
I feel that my time in yeshiva with Reb Ephraim has enabled
me to keep serious about my learning. The images of Reb
Ephraim shtaiging, singing with true joy as he
learned, his geshmak at saying or listening to
chiddushim have inspired me. Those images, clear as
yesterday, continue to provide me with the chizuk that
I need.
"To me, Reb Ephraim was the epitome of what a Rebbe should
be. He laid the foundation for the talmid to continue
growth in Torah and ruchniyus, even after he leaves
the yeshiva."
A Father to his Talmidim
Chazal teach us, "When one teaches Torah to a student it is
considered as if he is his own child." (Sanhedrin 19b)
The Zeide, HaRav Gifter, zt"l, would always relate the
love our great-grandfather Rav Leizer Gordon, zt"l had
for his talmidim.
Once a man came to the yeshiva looking for a shidduch
for his daughter. He entered the beis medrash with
Reb Leizer and inquired about a particular boy. "He is my
ben yochid," was the reply.
The man then inquired about a number of other boys. The
answer was always the same: "He is my ben yochid."
The man was perplexed. Reb Leizer explained, "Each of my
talmidim is my ben yochid."
To HaRav Ephraim every talmid was a ben yochid. "As a
talmid, I was zocheh to see firsthand how Rebbe
truly loved all of his talmidim and treated them like
his very own sons. Whenever Rebbe would invite me over for a
meal he would always say, `I have to take care of your
physical needs the same way I take care of your spiritual
"Every zman Rebbe would come over to me and ask who I
planned on learning with. Sometimes Rebbe would suggest that
the person that I was thinking of was not the best for me and
recommend someone else.
"Once I told Rebbe that I did not have a chavrusa. He
saw someone who he thought would be perfect for me on the
opposite side of the beis medrash. I never saw Rebbe
run so fast.
"Rebbe would never ask me where I was holding in my learning.
He would always say, `How are you?' (in Yiddish) which meant
`Where are you holding in learning?' To Rebbe, how your
learning was and how you were, was one and the same.
"I felt so comfortable with Rebbe that I would go to him with
any personal question that I had. He had all the time in the
world for me. No question was too small for him to deal with.
After each date he would ask me how it went and if I think
that this would be a good shidduch for my long term
plans of learning.
"To Rebbe there was only one concern in life -- growing in
Torah. Furthermore, he would always make sure that I
discussed the pros and cons of each potential shidduch
with his Rebbetzin.
"Rebbe's gadlus wasn't confined to who he was and what
he did. His gadlus was in the fact that he touched so
many people and each of those people thought Rebbe was
Talking to Hashem
HaRav Ephraim served as shaliach tzibbur for the
yeshiva on the Yomim Noraim. His tefillos
pierced the hearts of the tzibbur which realized
the pureness of his kavonoh.
"This Rosh Hashana was a very difficult one for me. I missed
the tears that Rebbi's heartfelt shacharis used to
bring to my eyes. Everyone knew that Rebbi was talking
straight to Hakodosh Boruch Hu. There was nothing
blocking his tefillos. His yiras Shomayim was
heard and felt in every word that he said. He was a true
servant standing in front of his master."
A daughter relates, "Witnessing my father saying Krias
Shema on Friday nights after the seuda, was a
profound chinuch in kabolas ol malchus
shomayim. The intense concentration and careful
enunciation required by halacha came to life and made
a lasting impression on me."
Prompted by his own yearning for closeness to Hashem, HaRav
Ephraim used to ask, "Why is it that we are judged on Rosh
Hashana -- the beginning of the year -- and not at the end of
the year? Wouldn't it make sense to finish up the old
cheshbon before we start a new one?"
He would answer, "This is an ultimate kindness from Hashem.
With a fresh start comes a new feeling of success. Hashem
gives us the opportunity every year to do teshuva at a
time when we feel rejuvenated, as opposed to the end of the
year when we are tired and burnt out."
With this yesod, he explained the reason that Klal
Yisroel accepts upon themselves chumros during
Aseres Yemei Teshuva, the Ten Days of Repentance, even
though they do not expect to keep them the rest of the year.
(Shulchan Oruch Or HaChaim 503).
He asked, "Are we trying to fool Hashem? Doesn't He know that
we are not going to continue keeping those chumros
throughout the year?"
He answered that these stringencies were for us. We accept
them to bring freshness and fervor to our teshuva.
Ahavas HaTorah
Together with his yiras Shomayim came a tremendous
ahavas haTorah. He well understood that people need
outlets and he didn't condemn this need per se. But it
gave him such frustration if a boy pursued other endeavors
with great enthusiasm. "If only he would give himself a
chance to develop a taste for Torah, he would realize there
is really no greater satisfaction in this world."
His children relate, "When we were kids, we would lay in bed
at night listening to the melody of my father's Torah. It set
the tone in the house and made us feel secure and calm."
Even the neighbors mentioned their appreciation of this
experience. "At night I would hear HaRav Ephraim singing
while he was learning. I would sit in my living room and just
Then, every morning he would get up very early. He would turn
up the steam so we wouldn't wake up cold and then spend an
hour learning before shacharis.
Even his bedtime stories were filled with ahavas haTorah.
They were such a success that now the grandchildren tell
the stories over and over again.
Hakoras Hatov
Chazal tell us that Rav Akiva told his talmidim, "My
Torah and your Torah belong to my wife, for it is she who
allowed me to go and learn." HaRav Ephraim transmitted this
to his talmidim.
He would say that the reason the wife lights the candles
every Shabbos is that light represents potential and it is
the wife who brings out the potential in her husband.
A talmid wrote, "Rebbe truly felt and understood that
you, his Rebbetzin, dedicated your entire life to helping him
become the Torah giant that he was. For that we are truly
thankful and indebted to you."
A Godol in Bitochon
HaRav Ephraim never felt he needed anything more than what
the Ribono Shel Olom had already given him. Even in
his kollel years, when his parents would ask if he
needed assistance, he would answer, "Boruch Hashem I
have everything I need."
He constantly emphasized to us children to focus on the
priorities in life. We have to take care of our
responsibilities in ruchniyus and Hashem will take
care of the rest. It was as basic as bread and water to him.
He didn't preach -- he was an example.
During his painful illness he was heard whispering pesukim
such as, "Hu heitiv, Hu meitiv, Hu yeitiv lonu"
(Hashem did good, He does good, and He will do good to
When people would ask how he was feeling, he had two ready
answers. On a good day he answered, "Chosh berosho ya'asok
beTorah (The remedy for a headache is to learn
And on a day of greater suffering, he answered, "Yeshuas
Hashem keheref 'ayin (Hashem's salvation can come in the
blink of an eye)."
As he was being wheeled into a risky surgery, he was saying,
"Ein od milvado" (Hashem is the One and Only on Whom
to depend).
At the shiva, his sister Mrs. Shultz related,
"Whenever I would say to him, `It will be okay,' he would
answer, `It's already good. Im yirtzeh Hashem it will
be even better.'"
A talmid, Ariel Avrech (may Hashem send him a
refuah sheleimoh) recalled, "Shortly after Reb Efraim
first fell ill I visited him at home. It was then that I
glimpsed the full extent of his temimus. With all he
had been through, he had not one complaint. His simchas
hachaim came from his Torah and from his closeness to
Hakodosh Boruch Hu; physical ailments could do nothing
to harm that."
"How can I even attempt to describe the shver?" HaRav
Ephraim's son-in-law HaRav Aaron Landsberg poignantly asked
in his hesped. "His gadlus is far beyond my
understanding. The more I got to know him, the more I
realized how much more there was to learn from him."
And the more we try to describe the Rebbe, the father, the
ben Odom, the more we discover. When all is said and
done, we still have not completely described this odom
"As I seek to raise my growing family in the ways of Hashem,
I am guided by what I have learned from Reb Ephraim. It may
be only after many generations that the true extent of how I
was affected by him is realized. I am sure I am but one of
many of hundreds of talmidim who feel this way."
By applying the lessons we have learned from HaRav Ephraim,
we hope to be a zchus for his neshomoh.
We have lost our father. The entire world has lost an odom
godol. Have we the strength to say: "Hu heitiv, Hu
meitiv, Hu yeitiv lonu"?
Yehi Zichro Boruch.
. . . Your letter arrived and I am answering on the spot
because of the kovod.
[The letter asked for a brochoh for the chosson
and kallah.] Sending a telegram is hard for me because
of the difficulty in going to the post office and standing in
line (and I have no one to send). And in any case, because of
the [mitzvas] asei of kovod haTorah I would
have to answer immediately but since they did not include the
address, what could I do?
And I hereby bless the dear couple . . .
Who awaits the mercy of Hashem Yisborach and a Geulah
Sheleimoh speedily in our days,
Yaakov Yisroel Kanievsky
And to be mefayeis da'ato that the telegram was not
received in time I will send bli neder my sefer
Kehillos Yaakov on Bovo Metzia that was published
in the last year, as a memento of friendship.
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