New Wing Dedicated at Kol Torah
by Betzalel Kahn
A modest dedication ceremony for the Mercaz Limudei Eretz
An immense assemblage of gedolei Yisroel, roshei
yeshivos, rabbonim, dayanim, public figures,
talmidim, alumni and other guests packed the Kol Torah
campus in Jerusalem's Bayit Vegan neighborhood to participate
in an impressive dedication ceremony for the yeshiva's new
wing and the new beis medrash for the yeshiva
The event began Sunday afternoon June 15-15 Sivan when the
mezuzas were fixed onto the doorposts of the new
beis medrash and classrooms for the yeshiva
ketanoh by the contributors' family members. Following
Minchah the sifrei Torah from the old beis
medrash were brought in a large procession, accompanied
by song and dance, to the new one, by the Zweig Family.
Later a naming ceremony was held for the new wing of the
yeshiva gedoloh, Heichal Pinchas, donated by the
Mandel Family. Speakers included HaRav Avrohom Erlanger, one
of the roshei yeshivos, and HaRav Yitzchok Yeruchom
Bordiansky, the yeshiva's menahel ruchani. Meanwhile a
dedication ceremony was held for the beis medrash for
the yeshiva ketanoh, where a speech was given by HaRav
Aviezer Shapira, the menahel ruchani for the
yeshiva ketanoh.
Thousands packed the yeshiva's new dining hall for the late-
night seudas mitzvoh. The event began with an opening
address by R' Tzvi Roth, the yeshiva's secretary, who then
passed the microphone to Rav Yosef Buchsbaum, head of Machon
Yerushalayim and a former talmid at the yeshiva.
Following brief remarks he invited HaRav Shmuel Auerbach to
R' Shmuel mentioned how his father, Maran HaRav Shlomo Zalman
Auerbach zt'l, served as rosh yeshivas Kol Torah for
over fifty years, teaching Torah to thousands. Then he
proceeded to speak out against efforts to set up an
institution mixing together limudei kodesh and
limudei chol as practiced in yeshiva high schools,
saying these institutions are contrary to the concept of a
yeshiva, where talmidim should receive a Torah
education in purity, as passed down from generation to
The next speakers were HaRav Shlomo Wolbe, and rosh yeshivas
Kol Torah HaRav Moshe Yehuda Schlesinger. When they finished
the participants greeted HaRav Aharon Leib Shteinman with
great enthusiasm, singing "Yomim al yemei melech
Tosif" and "Ki orech yomim ushenos chaim" for
several minutes. HaRav Shteinman presented the members of the
yeshiva with words of chizuk, stressing the great
importance of hakoras hatov by citing several sayings
by Chazal. He also praised the alumni for giving thanks by
coming to the place of Torah where they grew and matured
during their years of study under its roof. When he stepped
down, the participants again sang for several minutes.
HaRav Ezriel Auerbach read a letter of support from Maran
HaRav Eliashiv (see sidebar). Then letters from HaRav Moshe
Shmuel Shapira, HaRav Shmuel Halevi Wosner and HaRav Michel
Yehuda Lefkowitz were also read.
Later HaRav Yechezkel Korn Kunsdtat spoke, and then a special
gift was presented to Yeshiva Director R' Binyomin Lipskin. A
speech was also given by R' Betzalel Safran, representing the
contributors, the Zweig Family.
The event ended in an atmosphere of spiritual uplift for the
yeshiva members and alumni, boosted with chizuk and
encouragement to return to their Torah learning, both at the
yeshiva and elsewhere.
Yosef Sholom Eliashiv
BS'D, Sivan 5763
I hereby join in sending my blessings to mark the dedication
of the new buildings at Yeshivas Kol Torah, widely acclaimed
as a place where [young men] are raised for [a life of] Torah
and yiras Shomayim, and which is headed by my friend
HaGaon Rav M.Y. Schlesinger, shlita.
I also extend my blessings to those who help carry the load
of the yeshiva, and those who had a part in the construction
of these buildings and who are also involved in the yeshiva's
expansion, maintenance and sustenance. May Hashem reward them
for their efforts and may they receive their full wages from
With Torah blessings,
Yosef Eliashiv