& Comment
Wrong Emphasis in Protests
To The Editor:
Recent articles about the government's economic plan have, in
my opinion, insulted all previous generations of Torah-true
chareidi Jews.
Until our current generation, millions of bnei Torah
in Poland, Litta, Russia, etc., learned for as long as they
could after marriage and then, when financial needs required
them to work, adopted the life of a working ben Torah.
These working chareidim closed their shops mid-afternoon
to go learn, or stopped working when they had money saved and
learned until the money ran out, all with chareidi mesirus
nefesh, and all as described in numerous sheilos
uteshuvos and nosei keilim.
To say that chareidi life will be destroyed without
government subsidies is an insult to their memories. It also
distracts us from the truly important issues of fair
education allotments and child-support assistance, as well as
the obvious (and unasked) question of how chareidim can
possibly find work in the current job market.
But chas vesholom to say that Torah-true life cannot
exist without government subsidies. We didn't receive them in
Litta or Poland. Jews don't receive them in America or
England, and we can survive without them here.
Har Nof, Yerushalayim
The Editor Replies:
Although we certainly intended no insult to previous
generations, and it seems to us that a careful reading of
what we wrote will indicate that we did not say or imply that
Torah-true life cannot or will not exist without subsidies --
and we were careful to add on several occasions that our
guarantees of persistence are from Hashem and not from any
government -- nonetheless the impression may have been given
that this was said. In fact, some chareidim have been saying
such or similar things.
Our rabbonim have recently made it clear that our main
protest is against the fact that the current government is
against the Jewish religion, and not against its economic
polices. We have argued on several occasions that the way the
economic cuts indicates an ideological motive and not an
economic one, and our main pain is because of this. It really
needs no incisive deduction: Shinui has made fighting Torah
its central issue.
Hashem yeracheim veyatzil es amo.
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