Dei'ah veDibur - Information & Insight

A Window into the Chareidi World

3 Sivan 5763 - June 3, 2003 | Mordecai Plaut, director Published Weekly









Produced and housed by
Shema Yisrael Torah Network
Shema Yisrael Torah Network

Opinion & Comment
Letters to the Editor

A Good Initiative

A number of years ago when A.B. (the secular Prime Minister) insisted on desecrating the Shabbos openly by having a transformer [an immense apparatus installed at a large electricity station] trucked on Shabbos night of all nights, rosh yeshivas Ofakim HaRav Chaim Kamil launched a counter- initiative to increase Torah-learning during those hours and indeed in response to his call dozens of members of the Ofakim kehilloh gathered at Beis Knesses Kivisi Hashem and studied there for two hours, and this study session then continued for an extended period.

And now the end of this story has been publicized. The transformer is no longer in use and stands abandoned and discarded somewhere, a mute testimony to his ignominious punishment, while A.B. descended from his throne as Prime Minister in humiliation. Following a popular start, after this incident of chilul Shabbos his decline in status was unprecedented, and the facts are well known.

Now, perhaps it would also be worthwhile to launch a similar initiative to achieve chizuk in ruchniyus in the face of all of the haters of Judaism. Everyone should achieve his own chizuk through increased learning. Those who have been learning one daf per day should learn two. (And those who attend a Daf Yomi shiur should review the material in order to better recall and add clarity to what he heard on the daf.)

And there should also be qualitative chizuk. To delve deeper and to think and reflect on learning outside of one's normal learning times, while on one's way and when lying down to sleep. And by maximizing one's time, making use of all of the brief moments one has to learn in his free time. (It is a good idea to take along a small sefer or to prepare divrei Torah to study and think over while waiting for the bus, etc.) All of the minutes add up.

May this good and worthy initiative boost our spiritual strength and protect us.

A Member of the Ofakim Kehilloh

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